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Eden monster

Eden monster

Giant sculpture at th centre of the Eden prject all made from wast items, Fridges sinks micowaveovens hoovers lawnmowers, you name it it's there standa about50ft tall.

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Saw this Monster myself last yr Doreen ;) its clever how theyv put it together :)

12 Oct, 2009



love it I am so sad that I didnt get to go see that with you.

very good love the way they put it together.

12 Oct, 2009


Wheres Paul the gardener lol its cute

12 Oct, 2009


a bit scary!!!!!!!

12 Oct, 2009


Oooeer.....very clever.....

12 Oct, 2009


very clever
I wanted to go see it with my nanny when I went there in august the 22nd to august 28th

13 Oct, 2009


That's pretty cool..

13 Oct, 2009


Just shows you what you can do with a lot of oldrubbish and a little imagination dosen't it ???

14 Oct, 2009 son has started welding, I can't wait to show him this! He made me just a small 'thing' using old an bike seat frame & a few other things that were just laying around the garage.

14 Oct, 2009


Fantastic, hope you have avery large garden to dsplay your giant

14 Oct, 2009


no no no....the thing he made me is very small...I just thought he would like to see the Eden monster pic!!!

14 Oct, 2009


Yes but if he sees this one he might get BIG Ideas

14 Oct, 2009


LOL...I just hope he keeps it in his own garden then!

14 Oct, 2009


Mm could be fun, Have you been to the Eden Pro... There are sculpures made ofdriftwood in one of the biomes, thoug about having a go myself as ther is plenty ofdriftwood on our beach over the winter months!!!!

14 Oct, 2009


I found the website...will check it out. Would love to visit England one of these days =)

14 Oct, 2009


Kind of scary...but nice use of recycled materials!

14 Oct, 2009


It looks like some sort of giant grasshopper or locust.

17 Oct, 2009


AN afterthought....yes Gerry and I visited The Eden Project a few years ago and they had a lovely sculpture made from driftwood of a horse that I have never forgetten.

17 Oct, 2009

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