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Cluster of Pots Housing My Spring Bulbs

Cluster of Pots Housing My Spring Bulbs

I've taken on board Members' knowledge and planted these pots up with a variety of dwarf bulbs - looking forward to seeing them in Spring.

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they will look great when all in bloom dawn, nice pots to :o)

20 Oct, 2009


well done Dawn

20 Oct, 2009


You have some lovely colours there

20 Oct, 2009


Thanks all. I've never been a big fan of pots but I've been inspired by others members. I had the pots already, they were just stored.

20 Oct, 2009


nice to have a change dawn, look good :o)

20 Oct, 2009


Alert for you all off another garden site I am on its been reported that there is a pansy sickness, which the signs are they will look as though they are suffering drought its a stem rot mainly in the blue pansies. If you have this wash pots in Jays fluid and discard the pansies suffering from this.

20 Oct, 2009


thanx for the info morgana, will check mine out

20 Oct, 2009


Thanks for the info Morgana - what a shame.

20 Oct, 2009


Yes it can spread too. your welcome keep your eye open

20 Oct, 2009


Will look great in the spring.........

20 Oct, 2009


Oh Dawn...its nice to see someone else with lots of pots too......Does John give you ear ache about them ? Lol

20 Oct, 2009


your welcome Sandra

20 Oct, 2009


Thanks Holly and Milky, no I dont get earache from John about them as he doesnt have to water them, lol.

20 Oct, 2009


Has Ray not dug your borders yet Milky :-O

20 Oct, 2009


Only the one youve seen.....he refuses to do the others........LOL :>(

20 Oct, 2009


Naughty Ray

20 Oct, 2009


After you helped him with that pond, I know what I would do lol toy boy definately. he he ha ha

20 Oct, 2009


Anyone who is looking for a toy boy can have a free trial although satisfaction is not guaranteed, but what do you expect for free?

1 Nov, 2009


I don't know Dawn about Ray being naughty, I think Toto is too lol I could say a rhyme to this offer, he offered

1 Nov, 2009


A Toy Boy or A Man That Can would be great ..... to help me in the garden!

2 Nov, 2009


Oh Yes Let me at him.........................Lol

2 Nov, 2009


i can see a que forming here lol

2 Nov, 2009


Milky/Morgana - we would wear them to a frazzle, ha ha.

2 Nov, 2009


Lol Dawn he would nt offer again would he lol

2 Nov, 2009


No he wouldnt Morgana - he would just crawl away, ha ha.

2 Nov, 2009


he he ha ha lol Dawn back to his shed

2 Nov, 2009


Ha ha. I think maybe Toto is withdrawing his offer now, he's gone very quiet.

2 Nov, 2009


Lol Dawn I think hes been read and ran lol

2 Nov, 2009

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