A Clematis Collage :)
By Jacque

20 Oct, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thanx Clarice im making Collages of all Plants that r the same which iv collected since gardening here :)
20 Oct, 2009
Was telling Sandra (sanbaz) would'nt know where to start as dont have a clue how you do it.
20 Oct, 2009
Maybe when San is feeling Better she`l give u a hand Clarice :) I can send PM with instruction 2help u ?Iv down loaded a new picasa 3 which im having 2 learn again:) we can learn 2gether ;) x
20 Oct, 2009
Thanks Jacque no good sending anything to me as i have to have someone sat at side of me and show me bit by bit, as i'm really thick at learning anything like this, mind you can blame it on my age.xx
20 Oct, 2009
That's lovely Jacque - a good idea!
20 Oct, 2009
20 Oct, 2009
lovely and bright jacque, lovely clematis ;o)
20 Oct, 2009
That's gorgeous :-)
20 Oct, 2009
I do have some probs with learning 2 Clarice but not due 2 age lol :) Thanx Skillen im full of ideas ;) So glad u like it2 Dawn/San/Louise :)
20 Oct, 2009
These are pretty Jacque where do you get this programe and is it free....
20 Oct, 2009
Hi Janette iv just Pmd u all the Details 2 get u started ;) xxx
20 Oct, 2009
20 Oct, 2009
Jacque that is beautiful...............
20 Oct, 2009
Thanx Suey/Milky :)
20 Oct, 2009
I got Picassa after reading your recommendation, Jacque, but haven't got around to trying anything with it yet.
21 Oct, 2009
Hi David its raining here today :) which is good 4 The Garden as very Dry & im playing with Picasa rite now :) Hope ul enjoy it as much as I & other members do ? It was My Postman who told me all about it? He loves Photograghy 2! :)
21 Oct, 2009
This ones great too........
21 Oct, 2009
So glad u like it Holly :)
21 Oct, 2009
Lovely collages Jac
21 Oct, 2009
Hi PP im playing with the 3.5 Picasa!! Its a little diff2my old 1?? :)
21 Oct, 2009
Unfortunately, I think? I inadvertently loaded all my pics into Picassa, and it says if I delete any individual pics or folders, they will be deleted from their original places, too. It also seems to have scooped up some programme files. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark and rainy here too, Jacque, btw. :-(
21 Oct, 2009
OPpppppppppppps !!! What have u done David? I think ul find all your Pics will still be in Your Pics in your Doc David ! Just Click Pictures & im sure ul see them in there? On My Pc i used to get 2 Folders ? 1 for Picasa&1 of My Picture Docs on PC :) But know i have to load My Pics By Hand into Picasa:/ Its changed a little since old 1 ,Dont Panic let me know how u do David :)
21 Oct, 2009
Nice Collage Jacque.
22 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto :)
22 Oct, 2009
They are gorgous lovely selection of clematis nice collages too on all.
22 Oct, 2009
Id like More Clematis in my garden Morg so i may have more pics of new plants next Summer? :)
22 Oct, 2009
There is a lovely one called Crystal fountain look out for it also another one I ll get back to you on the name its a bell dark purple victorian one too, I find them useful as they can be planted at the back of shrubs and climb up the fences some tendrils go on to the shrubs too or for around arches and obliesk.
22 Oct, 2009
Hi Jacque I hope that you, Phil and Summer are all well.
22 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto iv Pmd u & yes were ok x
22 Oct, 2009
Pictures by jacque
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Featured on: clematis plants
This photo is of "Collages" in Jacque's garden
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20 Oct, 2009