Sacha driving

21 Oct, 2009
My last dog Sacha decided she wanted to drive and jumped into my seat for no other apparant reason.
Comments on this photo
Good pic.
Happy memories of special Sacha :o)
22 Oct, 2009
Was lovely Sacha a little short-sighted? Seems she's having to get pretty close to that rear-view mirror before reversing the car! lol
22 Oct, 2009
The photo was taken in the car park at the top of the Great Orme, Llandudno. There was a wall in front of the car so Sacha had to reverse. She was not short-sighted - on the contrary she was more interested in looking at the goats than navigating the hairpin bends on the way down. I will resist the urge to make any derogatory remarks about female drivers. They are very good at going forward!
23 Oct, 2009
I happened to be in the carpark at the top of the Great Orme, Llandudno, a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I found I was distracted by the goats too. Didn't matter tho. Didn't drive. Went up in the cable cars :-)
23 Oct, 2009
I bet you got some great photos on your trip. Do you intend to post any on GOY? I went to Llandudno today with my Granddaughter but the cable car was closed probably because of the strong winds. Instead she had her first solo ride on the tobogan ride. Have you been on the tobogan run? Got a few good photos of the area myself.
24 Oct, 2009
mmmm...did you go down on your own too ???
24 Oct, 2009
I did get a few nice shots, but never did get the time to upload them....went to Bodnant Gardens....thought I might do a blog of those photos - again, no time alas!! We had gales here last night - could hear the wind howling all night. I've not checked the garden yet this morning, don't think any damage done tho from what I can see from the windows. I didn't go on the tobogan run this time, but I did last time I was there - but that was years ago and I think I was about 15 then lol I would have gone on it again, but didn't get the chance this time round.
Soooo - did you have a ride too then Gf? :-)
25 Oct, 2009
Queen Catfinch and Sid - I have been on this tobogan run a few times each year with Granddaughter sharing the tobogan. This time I did not go on as I wanted to take photos of her first solo run. The first time I went on this tobogan was solo and I was quite cautious on the bends. My daughter with granddaughter on the same tobogan came hurtling down after me. All I could hear was "Faster granddad, faster we are going to crash!" After that embarrasment I never bothered with the brake except to stop at the end of the run.
Sid - If you do your aerial blog from the cable car I will do a Happy Valley blog from below so members can get two different perspectives. I havent been to Bodnant since the spring and haven't got around to doing a blog either although I intended to. So if I do spring and you do autumn again it should make an interesting comparison. The only problem is I know you always do very good blogs and I will not be happy if your blogs are better than mine. So you will have to go first.
25 Oct, 2009
.........( =';'= )
........... .|_|_
I Queen Catfinch... will be looking forward to all of these blogs..get on it Sarah...! and Sir Bear? you must be brave and get at it too....
25 Oct, 2009
What a fantastic piece of keyboard art Catfinch! What a shame the spacing moves when the lines come below the avatar - it must have taken ages to design, I love it! :o)))
25 Oct, 2009
I cannot take credit for is a design that I am able to get from another group I am I see ...hmmm...when i first posted it it was on top...I even did some editing to make sure it stayed there..and now it is not well..
thanks lily it is may copy it if you like..
25 Oct, 2009
I had the same problem with the spacing of a comment once and whatever I did, it stayed the same so I gave up! lol
I must have a go!
25 Oct, 2009
It's a great photo GF :~))
PS. ............... BOOO
26 Oct, 2009
Who is Ian booing?
Cute cat Cat ;-)
Gf - so glad you didn't end up in a three-tobogan-pileup. I too was very cautious on the bends the first time....but then threw caution to the wind on subsequent rides! What fun it is! I do wish I had gone on it again this time!
I have a few photos of Llandudno and the Great Orme and goats etc, so I can do a blog with those and I've started on a Bodnant Gardens let me know when you're ready to 'go live' lol
26 Oct, 2009
Sarah..eeeeek! Ian is a Devil or horrible Vampire for Halloween..eeee!...Sir Bear ...eeee...where is my Knight when I need him...eeeeee...eeeeek ..heeeellllpppp!
26 Oct, 2009
Mwaaa haaa haaaa haa haa haa haa ! ! !
26 Oct, 2009
OH EEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!eeeeeeeeeeeeee...elp---ppppppp....eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!!! (:o ...... eeeeee's orrible....eeeeeek!!!!!
26 Oct, 2009
Yikes! I'm gunna hide...........
27 Oct, 2009
Sid - I think the devilish avatar was scary enough, perhaps Ian made a boo boo with his comment as there are too many o's in booo. I preferred the Mwaaa haaaa sound better - I think that really does scare the living daylights out of members don't you agree? It was almost as bad as Queen Catfinch's scream.
I have a Bodnant blog ready now but won't have time to do a Llandudno blog till next week.
I took GD on the cable car yesterday, she loved it. The queue for the tobogans was so big they ran out of ride tickets so I never got to have a go. boo hoo.
Queen Catfinch - Fear not your knight is here, I am right behind you and Sid.
28 Oct, 2009
Oh goodness..Sid...sorry... he has such a fear of Devils...hmmmmm...oh ..fidget!....will have to do some conjuring I guess..better go to the woods and look for some bats wings and hemlock and such...oh trouble, trouble...where IS my big pot...rummage...rummage...rummage..oh there is that rats snout...I will be needing that...
28 Oct, 2009
errrrr BOO?
28 Oct, 2009
eeeeeeekkkkkwhere is that rat snououououououtttttteeeeeeeee!!!!!!
28 Oct, 2009
Mwaaa haaa haaa haa haa ha ha ha cough, splutter, ha!
28 Oct, 2009 more are done..
28 Oct, 2009
OK I quit Cough, wheeze, cough ................
28 Oct, 2009
Ian - Halloween is over now and it looks like everyone is taking their scary avatars off.
2 Nov, 2009
2 Nov, 2009
Yeah Ian - you can take off your scary face now he he he he he he snigger snigger...........
Here Cat, have some eye-of-newt for your brew. Can never have enough eye-of-newt if you ask me. In fact, if it was up to me it'd be all newts' eyes.
Gf - so sorry, no blogs materialised over the weekend by virtue of the fact that I'm having a very busy time of it at the moment! Things are afoot!
2 Nov, 2009
Very funny you cheeky lot!
Sarah, 12 inches usually Lol :-))~~~
3 Nov, 2009
Ian - It was cheeky but I think I am going to have to rule that out as it does not have the gardening x factor!
3 Nov, 2009
3 Nov, 2009
Don't mind him Ian...he is such a rule oriented kinda guy....
3 Nov, 2009
Queen Catfinch you are such a good ruler.
3 Nov, 2009
YES..! :o) I am.... xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Derrrrr, tsk I do keep having these Homar moments !?!
3 Nov, 2009
Queen Catfinch one does not use the word I but the royal we.
3 Nov, 2009
Yes ! We are? ok thenYES...WE are... :o)
Homar...???who is Homar???
3 Nov, 2009
Ian - Homer is all Greek to me too.
3 Nov, 2009
I thought he lived in Springfield?
4 Nov, 2009
It is a bit dusty where he was from but it was definitely not Illinois.
4 Nov, 2009
Huh? Eh? What? Being a bit slow today......completed lost me you lot. Ah well, nothing new there then.
4 Nov, 2009
LOL...hahahaha..We think we are
4 Nov, 2009
Yes - how did we loose the garden plot?
4 Nov, 2009
Well if it's the Royal We, then yes, We are confused! lol
4 Nov, 2009
Are We not amused just confused and over what are thee bemused?
4 Nov, 2009
Homar did it...Ian..the dude...did it...We are not confused...tis only he..
Sacha was driving to Bodnant Gardens from the Great Orme then?..Do tell..Sir Bear....
4 Nov, 2009
I'm not the son of the Preacher man so you don't have to say you love me and my magic garden pictures at Bodnant and the Great Orme . OJ and the poet didn't do it - it was GF but did Sid do it too that is the blogging question.
4 Nov, 2009
Yes I did just do it. That's if we're talking about the same thing. And I think we are. And I did it do. Ok?
4 Nov, 2009
Gf - I've just PMed you. Are you there?!
4 Nov, 2009
4 Nov, 2009
So cute yes dogs like to copy the owner in a car and get protective of a car sad she is no longer with you.
5 Nov, 2009
Errrrrrr Did I miss something?
5 Nov, 2009
Now where were we up to? Sid and I have both posted Blogs today. They are nothing to do with Homer the Greek poet, OJ Simpson who was found not guilty, Springfield the capital city of Illinois or Dusty Springfield singing the songs mentioned. The blogs are about Bodnant Garden. The above photo was taken at the top of the Great Orme and Sid and I will also be doing blogs about the Great Orme in Llandudno too in the near future. Now all we have to do is figure out where the garden plot has gone to.
5 Nov, 2009
OK who's lost the plot?
5 Nov, 2009
Ian have you forgot who it was who lost the plot? Mmmmm was it Sid? Gosh I've lost it too, Queen Catfinch how about you?
5 Nov, 2009
It was Guy Fawks!
6 Nov, 2009
Didn't he have the right idea?
6 Nov, 2009
6 Nov, 2009
Ooohh can't wait to read the Great Orme many memories of holidays in Llandudno, and flying a kite at the top of the Orme, "Happy valley" and the putting green....looking forward to reading it GF ;)) Now I'm off to find the other Bodnant Garden blog...thanks...
6 Nov, 2009
I see what you are driving at Ian. Are we planting ideas about the Gunnera flower power plot now? The punishment for tree reason is hanging baskets and drawing flowers in some quarters isn't it Sid? I don't want to labour the point but we have to plant conservatively and water liberally.
6 Nov, 2009
Lol GF :~))
7 Nov, 2009
Aye, my baskets have indeed been hung and drawn, and are quartered in the shed over the winter.
8 Nov, 2009
Sid - I hope you don't think I am a basket case and I might be sticking my ropy neck out here also I don't want you to draw the wrong conclusion but I'm not sure how to go forth.
8 Nov, 2009
Would you be weaving another riddle there, Gf? You know I am not so good at riddles. I might start barking up the wrong end of the stick and as for going forth, would that be the Firth of Forth, the Fourth Road Bridge or indeed the Fifth of Sixth?
9 Nov, 2009
9 Nov, 2009
Ian - We are playing word games trying to use the same words in different ways. I started off when I wrote to you saying the punishment for treason was being hung, drawn and quartered but for fun said it using a pun which is a similar sounding word with a different meaning or a different sounding word with the same meaning. For example instead of saying quartered meaning to cut the body in to four pieces I used the word quarters meaning where somebody lives . When Sid replied she use the word quartered in the sense of where she kept her baskets. I replied using the word forth meaning go forward but a quarter is also a fraction being a fourth and the word forth sounds exactly the same. Sid replied using the word Forth being the name of a river in Scotland. You have typed huh? which does have four charachters but doesn't really count. So does this adequately answer your fourth charachter? What I really want to know from Sid relates to the fourth dimension of publication. You have probably noticed I tend to do puns with a gardening theme if possible but have not yet produced a suitable hybrid.
Sid - Will it blossom in this lunar quarter and be blooming worth the long growing season that it has taken to germinate ?
9 Nov, 2009
Phew !
9 Nov, 2009
Louise - huh?
9 Nov, 2009
Too late in the day and too tired to try and carry on where you left off ;-)
9 Nov, 2009
GF - I said Phew because it is getting very humid with exceptional climatic conditions prevailing in this cyber greenhouse of simile and juxtaposition. Perhaps your punctilious explanation was too verbose when wilting members really want to relax at this time of the day and do not have the psychological versatility to reciprocate at inordinate length so please continue with your contorted soliloquy. (GF standing in for Louise)
9 Nov, 2009
Louise - huh?
9 Nov, 2009
GF - You are driving everyone down the wrong garden path with this load of fertiliser - time to hibernate before the men in white gardening wellies arrive.
9 Nov, 2009
Ian - Huh?
9 Nov, 2009
Ian standing in for Ian Huh?
9 Nov, 2009
Louise - Thanks a million bells for the warning.
9 Nov, 2009
Ian - huh huh huh
9 Nov, 2009
9 Nov, 2009
Ian - Don't worry my compost is having a breakdown.
9 Nov, 2009
Eh ?
9 Nov, 2009
I can only speak in single sil..........
9 Nov, 2009
silver tongue?
9 Nov, 2009
ab ......
10 Nov, 2009
10 Nov, 2009
Eh? What? Huh?
10 Nov, 2009
Silly bulbs?
10 Nov, 2009
Rose bulbs? Sillybums don't grow from bulbs - they grow from seeds.
10 Nov, 2009
Do they produce Sedums?
11 Nov, 2009
Do Sillybums produce Sedums? No - Sedums produce Sedums. Sillybums produce Sillybums. And such is life, the universe and everything.
12 Nov, 2009
Think you are both products of Sillybums... hehe...sillybums...produce sillybums..and now I have the facts of life to boot!
12 Nov, 2009
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It looks like she is rocking out to your tunes while she is a precious girl...! I hope you allowed her to drive all the way home!
21 Oct, 2009