Plumeria Tip
By Milky

22 Oct, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thanks Morgana......
22 Oct, 2009
Brill photo....
22 Oct, 2009
:o)) your welcome Milky
22 Oct, 2009
Great photo Milky......Is this a flower coming???????
22 Oct, 2009
Gilli...I sent a copy to Neil at Plumeria Uk and he says YES whahooooo I cant believe it Im so excited.......
22 Oct, 2009
Glad you posted this Milky as I hadn't realised we could grow them here. I think they are beautiful flowers. I assume they are for gh or conservatory. If so it will be a long time before I get any LoL :~))
22 Oct, 2009
Yes sadly Pipsqueak it has to be in the greenhouse.....we just dont have a hot enough climate here.......not yet anyway...Lol
22 Oct, 2009
Yes, it is a flower spike developing. It's not unsual for
plumeria to develop a flower spike anytime of the year.
22 Oct, 2009
How exciting. :-)
22 Oct, 2009
Lovely. So glad that it will flower for you. I see you and Morgana are still on speaking terms!
22 Oct, 2009
Toto...of course we are.....we're all part of the same covan he he he Thanks everyone
22 Oct, 2009
Great news. And a welcome sight!
23 Oct, 2009
You are so right there Greenthumb.......4 years this has taken...........
23 Oct, 2009
Fantastic will it flower before dormancy or will that flower spike hold until next year?
23 Oct, 2009
Ihave been told it will hold through dormacy and the actual flower could bea few months yet Gilli, but I'm so excited that its there. This is the 1st one that I grew from seed so its now 4 years old. Who said patience isnt rewarded.........I also have been told by Delinox that you must never take the flower spike off you must let it drop off by itself.........
23 Oct, 2009 exciting!!! I've also heard that the Plumeria doesn't branch until it has flowered. So after your lovely flowers perhaps it will start to bush out???
24 Oct, 2009
That's very true...once a plumeria blooms it will
put out usually from 2 to 5 branches.
24 Oct, 2009
This is little Plumeria has got Global Fame..........he he he This is so exciting....I can wait...........Delinox.......I can still smell to scent from the couple of flowers that were in the box... Even though they were spent flowers, the perfume is still there...Its my 1st sniff of what they are like, even though faded.......
24 Oct, 2009
Well done to you Milky this is exciting, cannot wait to see the flowers, your sooo exotic!!!
24 Oct, 2009
Mine have at least stopped dropping leaves now Milky. One has even put out a new leaf since it's move to inside.
25 Oct, 2009
Maybe it was just too cool outside for it Gilli.......Thanks Dotty...
25 Oct, 2009
Probably Milky. It's hard to know exactly when to bring them in when the weather turns unpredictable. They look OK now.
30 Oct, 2009
One thing is for sure can never be too hot for them......Lol
30 Oct, 2009
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Lovely photo love the colour of the leaves
22 Oct, 2009