Busy Lizzies on balcony 2009-10-21
By Balcony

27 Oct, 2009
This a is a close up of the Busy Lizzies growing in the pouches on the walls of the balcony.
Comments on this photo
They still look pretty good to me!
28 Oct, 2009
Yes they are still going strong thanks to warm weather in September & October. Unfortunately we are about to enter into November & we are forecast colder weather - though frosts aren't forecast for the next week at least so they will still get a little reprieve!
31 Oct, 2009
They do still look good. I was going to collect cuttings from mine and the fr*** came too quickly. I'll have to look for them next year again, and more. I'm sold on them.
3 Nov, 2009
That was bad luck! I find they produce lots of seeds that fly all over the place & come up in the least likely of places! I found a couple of new seedlings.
3 Nov, 2009
That would be wonderful living somewhere they could reseed. I hadn't grown an impatinet till this year and I love them!
4 Nov, 2009
They are much better since the hybrids came out! The lanky pink ones we used to grow back in the 70s were nice but they were too lanky & flowered at the tips while you had long, bare stems! Horrible now that we have the marvellous new hybrids which form very low mounds & flower non-stop all year round in given the right conditions. Red spider mite is still their only bane. But if you can provide them with some humidity then they should be alright.
I don't have any indoors this years simply because I literally have no space for more plants. I not only need a bigger balcony I also need a bigger flat! LOL!
4 Nov, 2009
Yes, they do sound better, The mounding habit is one of my favorite things about them. I'm planning to really load up, which meaning I really should get some seed. :-)
I've thought about getting a house for the plants......lol, should just start a business if I go there really. :-)
5 Nov, 2009
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They look strong and healthy.
28 Oct, 2009