Marie's Fatsia
By Pansypotter

28 Oct, 2009
This is quite a big bush but is absoloutely full of the wonderful flower heads.
Comments on this photo
Lovely flowers mine flowers each year can't understand why yours is not flowering Sandra
28 Oct, 2009
Very striking.
28 Oct, 2009
Lovely and the birds enjoy them as they turn to black seed heads .
Do take a few years Sandra seem to need to produce woody stems to flower from this might be encouraged by pruning.
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone, I BB is right as we have lived here 5yrs now and its the first time I remember it flowering.
28 Oct, 2009
Takes me back PP when first moved to Scarborough lived in old hotel ..when so cheap to buy ..had a huge victorian conservatory on the back with a fatsia tree it was huge and required sawing to keep it pruned !
28 Oct, 2009
That sounds fantastic BB and love the idea of an old Victorian Conservatory, I like to grow Fatsia myself but afraid they are too big for my garden, so I will just enjoy Maries instead!
28 Oct, 2009
thanx ray/jane, its not to big at the moment so dont really want to cut it as yet, i will take a look at the stems tomorrow, it has some new growth this year though
28 Oct, 2009
Oh PP how I miss it had a grotto water feature that was pumped from an old boiler room and heated cast iron radiators that supported the roof sadly so neglected would ve have cost thousands to fully restore .
Managed to get the water feature working it was tiered with stallegtite pools and the sound was fantastic have some old negatives but never worked out how to transfer to digital .
Have a pic of variegated fatsia which less intrusive.
Once you happy with the height of it Sandra can be cut back fairly tough and bomb proof as long as you leave leaf stems on it and dont take back to ground level will always recover..
28 Oct, 2009
cheers ray :o))
29 Oct, 2009
BB why dont you have your negatives developed then you can scan them and I could see the old water feature, it all sounds quite magical ;0)
29 Oct, 2009
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everybodies is flowering except mine carole :o(, not a bud and ive had it a good few years now,
28 Oct, 2009