By Spritzhenry
- 29 Oct, 2009
I found these in the gravel. I have no idea what they're called!
Comments on this photo
look like majic mushrooms barbara lol
29 Oct, 2009
Ooohh-errrr, Sandra! %-O That's after!! LOL.
29 Oct, 2009
use to see lads picking them on the fields where i use to live, when walking my dog, asked my brother why would they be picking them and he told me lol,
29 Oct, 2009
So thats what they look like...........;-}
30 Oct, 2009
im sure its them dotty hard to tell the size on pic
30 Oct, 2009
About an inch high? That's the road-type gravel, to give you an idea - not horticultural gravel.
30 Oct, 2009
maybe not then, look the same but the ones im talking about are smaller unless they grow to this size, dont get chance if being picked quick lol dont eat them just incase barbara eheh
30 Oct, 2009
They're mostly dried up and disappearing now, Sandra - so I shan't bother to pull them out. Henry doesn't like mushrooms so he won't eat them - thank goodness! Can you imagine him staggering around seeing cats that weren't really there? lol
30 Oct, 2009
lol barbara so funny,, henry on a high , bless :o))
30 Oct, 2009
Do you think he would see islands in the sun? ? ?
30 Oct, 2009
he may even sing it ian lol
30 Oct, 2009
LMSO San ;~)))
30 Oct, 2009
30 Oct, 2009
I really am curled up laughing here - making loads of typos!!! LOL!
Poor dog! Lucky he hates mushrooms! :-))))))
30 Oct, 2009
it is lucky barbara, :o)) lol
30 Oct, 2009
:-)) When I'm cooking, he sits next to me and hopes bits will drop into his mouth - carrots, sprouts, oh - lots of things, but he forgets EVERY time that he does NOT like parsnips or mushrooms! I give him a bit - and he spits it out!
30 Oct, 2009
lol barbara, just how sheba use to be, she would eat most things but hated tomatoes, you could see her face cringe lol,
30 Oct, 2009
Tomatoes - Yum,yum. :-))
He even picks his own from the greenhouse! lol.
30 Oct, 2009
lol bless dear henry heheh :o))
30 Oct, 2009
Naughty Henry, more like! Tsk, tsk lol..
30 Oct, 2009
:o))) he`s just partial to some fresh salad thats all barbara
30 Oct, 2009
,....raw cauliflower, beans (french, broad, runner), peas, cabbage stalks, beetroot, red and green peppers, cucumber, onion (but he can't have that!) apple, pear, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, banana, you name it, he likes it! Oh - not lettuce, though. LOL.
30 Oct, 2009
oh my god barbara he does like his greens, very good for him though, funny not alot of dogs like lettuce, well at least he has a well ballanced diet lol better than most humans ;o)))
30 Oct, 2009
arnt they pretty...
30 Oct, 2009
What??? Oh!!! The toadstools! I'd forgotten about them, Angie! LOL.
30 Oct, 2009
sorry they just caught my eye... did'nt read the rest
30 Oct, 2009
:-))))) xx
30 Oct, 2009
lol ;o))) barbara
30 Oct, 2009
Well - we don't mind, do we Sandra?
30 Oct, 2009
nope dont mind at all :o))
30 Oct, 2009
oh goodie xx
30 Oct, 2009
haven't read your other comments yet...but they look like some that I've found in my lower the book they're called "inky caps"....but didn't make note of the proper botanical nomenclature...sorry~! No wonder they are linked in myth with sprites and fairies...they look magical don't they? their mycelia can be huge..covering vast areas underground...and we only see the sporebearing parts in what appear to be isolated clumps! verrry cool fungi!
31 Oct, 2009
I quite like them, Lori! They remind me of fairy tales....when I was a child....
31 Oct, 2009
We have some growing in the field beside our house which come up only every second or third year it seems...they are huge! large coneshaped tops with inky black gills standing about 6 inches tall! lovely things.
1 Nov, 2009
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29 Oct, 2009