Box of goodies!
By Spritzhenry
- 2 Nov, 2009
Three Tiarella 'Pink Skyrocket' and two Photinia 'Little Red Robin' waiting for some light (and dryer weather), so that I can plant them!
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They were bought today, in the rain - and I arrived home after dark! The forecast is not too good, either. :-((
2 Nov, 2009
Much the same here.
2 Nov, 2009
We were spoilt last week, weren't we! I felt really chilly today.
2 Nov, 2009
hope you find room for them all barbara :o))
2 Nov, 2009
Any chill hasn't hit us yet but I doubt it will be long.
2 Nov, 2009
It was 9 degrees this afternoon - after 18 on Saturday!
Oh yes, Sandra - I dug out a whole lot of Jap. Anemones. These will look much better - and won't try to take over, either!
2 Nov, 2009
i have anemones to, new this year, do they really take over so much barbara
2 Nov, 2009
1) It depends on which ones,
2) It depends on your soil
3) it takes a long time for them to spread as far as mine have!
4) YESSSS!!!! Haven't you read my comments (rude) on them before???
2 Nov, 2009
ive heard it said by others and maybe i have read you say it before,mine is called september charm barbara, does that mean anything to you
2 Nov, 2009
Nope - but I'll check my RHS book.
2 Nov, 2009
Ooops! It says 'vigorous, spread indefinite' - so watch it in case it takes off across your flower bed. Sorry to be the bearer of (possible) bad news.
2 Nov, 2009
:o(( oh,, will keep an eye on it now thanx barbara , not like i can forget it as my garden isnt that big lol
2 Nov, 2009
Great little purchase Spritz will the Photinias stay small or will you be cutting them back?
I did the same thing today. I went out for dog food and came back with a box full of pots of goodies :~))
2 Nov, 2009
I expect you cannot wait to get out there, can you? great box of goodies.
2 Nov, 2009
ncie plants Spritz, tiarellas are beautiful, and I wouldn't be without them:)) but then I'm a bit barmy when it comes to that family LOL
3 Nov, 2009
Pip - these really are dwarf Photinias. I bought one to be the main colour in a container - ohhhh - three years ago?
It's still only about 12" tall, although it's a bit wider now. I've used it again this year with some red pansies.
These two are to make a group in my bed with the Tiarellas, and they'll be fine together - about the same size!
Tiarellas, Grindle? I shall have to think of the'll have to be 'Tiarellaholic', won't it! LOL.
3 Nov, 2009
I will have to keep an eye out for these Photinias as they will be an asset in the structure of a border especially in a small garden
3 Nov, 2009
LOL, that means I'm a TiarellaHeucherellaHeucheraaholic
3 Nov, 2009
LOL. Betcha can't say that - or remember it tomorrow!
I'm sending you a PM about Crocosmias....
3 Nov, 2009
A lovely lot Spritz .. when you say Little Red Robin , do you mean they are smaller than the norm ? because the ones I have need to be kept trimmed to stop them getting to big ............. also to make the lovely new red growth ...........
3 Nov, 2009
Yes, Amy - it's a micro-mini-version. :-))
You can't really call it a 'shrub' - it's too small for that! I suppose it could be described as a 'shrubby plant'. LOL.
Only 12" tall - and very attractive! Good for containers, naturally - but these two are going in the garden.
P.S. I sound like a Salesman! LOL.
3 Nov, 2009
my kind of
3 Nov, 2009
You photinias look lovely, Spritz. I recently bought one from ebay but although healthy not as bushy as yours. I will trim it back a little and hopefully it will bush out :)
3 Nov, 2009
I think they are lovely and will deff. be on the lookout for them ... .. I have about four of the big ones because I love the red colour .........
4 Nov, 2009
Oh my these look tiny...I had no idea they were not
9 Nov, 2009
Are the ones you mentioned tall, then, Cat? I don't suppose you've got a photo of them, have you?
9 Nov, 2009
I will see what I can find.. :o)
9 Nov, 2009
Barbara this is the closest I can find to what I was thinking of..have gone through the White Flower Farm Catalogue on is mostly all fall planting things in it right now..I believe what I remember was in a spring/summer planting catalogue...anyway..these are somthing like it..but just not the same as the spires were more totally covered with blooms but very tall as these are..
10 Nov, 2009
I have this plant, Cat - it's tall! It flowers in the summer. The flowers on the Tiarella are 'looser' on their stems.
Thanks for the link!
10 Nov, 2009
catfinch, try TerraNova nurseries, they have a good selection of them there :)
11 Nov, 2009
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They look lovely. I know what you mean about planting though as I have lots of pansies to put in when things dry a little.
2 Nov, 2009