A mingle.
By Spritzhenry

3 Nov, 2009
My Carex has more friends!
Comments on this photo
I like to see differing leaf colour and form. In other peoples gardens always looks good but when I do it looks messy. Though I have to enthuse again about the Tiarella, the flowers are something else !!!! :~)))
4 Nov, 2009
I love mingles! I create them all round my garden.... in fact, it's one big mingle most of the year, Pip! LOL.
4 Nov, 2009
I'm not artistic enough to be a mingleer LoL
Everything I do is more regimented but that is a typical Capricorn trait. Have to be serious and organised believe it or not :~)))
4 Nov, 2009
Really? I'm not sure you'd like my garden, then, Pip - I like my borders to be full to bursting, and plants getting close up and personal! LOL.
I could no more plant things in straight lines as....as....errrrr...fly to the moon! :-D (I wasn't suggesting that YOU might do that in your garden, by the way, nor was it a criticism!)
4 Nov, 2009
Didn't take it as criticism Spritz. That's what's so good about this site with different ideas and styles. I can really appreciate gardens like yours. 4 Seasons, Blue spruce and yet they are all so different. Mine would be somewhere in the middle.
I enjoy doing the Open Garden visits and take away ideas from each
4 Nov, 2009
No I didn't, Pip. :-) I know there are so many different styles of garden on the site, and I love looking at them, as you obviously do, as well.
Pity you're rather a long way from here - or you could come to MY open garden next June! :-))))
4 Nov, 2009
You never know Spritz I may just treat myself to a one off day trip. I am used to travelling fair distances from many years of showing the dogs and traipsing up and down the country.
Have just been looking at pics of another garden and they are very nice but mostly annual bedding which I hardly ever used. I like shrubs for the structure and perennials for infill. Never did hanging baskets yet am considering them now.
As I said earlier through this site I can see things through different eyes.
4 Nov, 2009
It would be lovely to see you - and any other members! :-))
4 Nov, 2009
You'll have to fill that coldframe though so we can all have a shopping spree as well LoL :~))
Tried to look you up on the NGS site but there are so many I couldn't figure which one
4 Nov, 2009
Very pretty Spritz .....
Pipsqueak you told me you were 10 years old ...and I was silly enough to believe you ...... LOL............
4 Nov, 2009
OH Bless Amy :~))
I started a blog on Namesakes exactly for that reason.
It was a 10yr old
4 Nov, 2009
Is he/she still around?
I sent you a PM about the NGS, Pip. :-)
4 Nov, 2009
I really like the Tiarella's Spritz. I have had one for about 3 years now and am going to get at least one more.
4 Nov, 2009
Is yours the same as these, Toto?
4 Nov, 2009
I thinkl so Spritz. It has the sme kind of flowers and green leaves with a dark pattern on them.
4 Nov, 2009
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Its good to mingle Spritz,I allow mine to do that,looks nice and helps keep the weeds at bay...........
4 Nov, 2009