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The Cottage Gardener - what's he doing? ON BLOG

The Cottage Gardener - what's he doing? ON BLOG

No he's not tending bees & he's not shy ........ we have a lot of midges & mosquitos here & they bite !

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Good idea they wont get him now.

7 Nov, 2009


I thought maybe he was having a bad hair day. :o)

7 Nov, 2009


I could do with some similar headgear

11 Nov, 2009


No!!!... your hair looks really good Gwen :o)

11 Nov, 2009


have you tried Skin so soft from Avon-ive heard that the midgies dont like it at all!

12 Nov, 2009


Nice to meet you Mageth - tried Skin so soft & the midges loved it! Also tried bog mirtle & they loved that as well! Nothings worked so far - we just try to avoid the most likely parts of the day that they are around - summer evenings & after a shower of rain.

12 Nov, 2009


Oh dear! tough wee blighters up there! hope it doesnt spoil your enjoyment of your lovely garden. its amazing what you have done in such a short time

14 Nov, 2009


Glad to say that they don't spoil the enjoyment Mageth - they are just annoying.

14 Nov, 2009

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