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Summer 09 - Dalphinium (single)

Summer 09 - Dalphinium (single)

I love the colour of this - we've taken lots of seed & have a good 100 + plants establishing themselves over winter in the polytunnel.

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Gosh....100 plants?? Do you have room for all of those??

11 Nov, 2009


Oh yes, our garden is abolutely massive - we had planted around the same number this year as young plants in the spring but the slugs are a killer & destroyed at least half of them. Same with lupins & foxgloves - planted similar amounts just to get half surviving after the slugs.

We're hoping to make the "island" in the Orchard a mass of colour with dalphs, lupins, holyhocks, foxgloves, hostas & everything thing else cottagy. Probably take a couple of years to establish itself to it's best though.

11 Nov, 2009


It sounds like it will be beautiful. I love cottage gardens. Make sure you post lots of pics of your progress.
I'm going to grow some white delphiniums 'Galahad', from seed this winter. Last winter I started 'Black Knight' and they came on really well and flowered this past summer. They should be really strong by next summer. Delphs seem to grow very well here and don't mind the extreme cold winters. I have very little problem with slugs usually so that is very helpful.

11 Nov, 2009


Had some white ones flowered this year, but didn't take any pics. I don't know the names of any although I do know there were some Black Knight.

11 Nov, 2009


Lovely display, love delphiniums too one of my favourite perennials, although we have the same problem slugs and rabbits who love them too, I grew a white one this year too 'Galahad' and grew 'Tall Black Knight' last year, want to grow some pink ones next year :-)

14 Nov, 2009


They are a favourite plant and colour of watercolour painters.

20 Nov, 2009

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