Zeus is free
By Pamazon

12 Nov, 2009
Zeus has been battering at the cage bars for a while now, he wanted out. I had to make up my mind quickly as I would back out again!! It is a mild, sunny day, he is very well fed, had vitamins during his stay, so I let him go about 20 minutes ago and now I am worried sick!!! He has to make it on his own now, he is a feral bird and if I kept him till Spring, he would lose all his wild ability to cope, so he is away where he is meant to be. Waif I know I can never release, when I pick her up she cuddles to me and gently goes around my face and hair with her beak, she would never make it. Tommy's broken wing has sorted his future, it's with me. Hope I had done right for him
Comments on this photo
I'm really upset at the moment Terra, I could just burst into tears..............xx
12 Nov, 2009
Hi Pam...
Are you going to put food out so that Zeus can visit your garden for meals ?
12 Nov, 2009
I am Terra, but he has disappeared completely. He sat on my roof for a while, you can tell when they are trying to sort out directions, by they way they use their heads. He then flew to a neighbours roof and has now gone completely. He will probably find a feral Group to join. I just pray that he has a good life,, that is all I can do and what I wish for him. I just wish I didn't get so attached to these creatures, it breaks me up each time I have to see one go.
12 Nov, 2009
Understandable you are so upset...
...but please try to remember you've given Zeus a good start in life...
He wouldn't have had much hope huddled in that corner where you found him...
You've released him on a day when the weather is good and he is fit and well fed... You couldn't have done more....
... and he may yet come back to visit you.... even next year with his girl friend... who knows ! :o) xxx
12 Nov, 2009
Thanks Terra, it is just that he is so conspicuous being the colour he is. He was such a stroppy little character, so maybe that will stand him in good stead. The Crows aren't around today, they have gone off to wherever they go from time to time thankfully. Thanks for understanding......xxx
12 Nov, 2009
I know that today you'll give extra cuddles to the ones you cannot release...Waif and Tommy. xxx
12 Nov, 2009
I have actually :o) Tommy has come out of the small coop back into his proper pen which Zeus was in and I know he is happy back in his bigger home, he is dancing around. He hated being in the small space. xxx
12 Nov, 2009
He's where he belongs Pammy, wild and free !! Doesn't he look wonderful up there ?? As you say, he's a stroppy little b***er, so I'm sure he'll find some Brummy mates to boss around !! lol If it wasn't for you he wouldn't even be alive Pam. You've given him a better start in life than he would have had in the wild. He's a big, strong boy and he'll do just great bab ! :~))) xx
12 Nov, 2009
Good Luck Zeus, hope you find some nice friends enjoy your freedom. Dont worry Pam you have given him the best chance ever, sure he will be back to visit you again soon.
12 Nov, 2009
I do hope so, it started raining hard this afternoon and windy and I just imagined him standing somewhere soaking wet after he had been dry for these few weeks. I expect Pigeons find somewhere to go for some sort of shelter. I don't think he will be back as he had no idea where he was really, not flying around the area like homing pigeons do. I've rehabilitated a lot of Pigeons, but he had a little tug at my heart for some reason. Bless him. Thanks for your words of encouragement, I know it was something I had to do. He wasn't happy caged........xx
12 Nov, 2009
Chin up our kid xxx
12 Nov, 2009
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Good luck Zeus. xxx
12 Nov, 2009