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Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon'

Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon' (Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon')

My Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon' is blooming again. It blooms very
profusely every Fall. Photo taken Nov. 15, 2009.

Comments on this photo


Very striking blooms Andy........

16 Nov, 2009


That is so pretty

16 Nov, 2009


Agree, a very striking plant.

17 Nov, 2009


Thanks everyone for the comments! : > )

17 Nov, 2009


Love the name "Chinese Hat Plant" :o)

17 Nov, 2009


Very pretty :-)

17 Nov, 2009


Love this

17 Nov, 2009


Thank everyone!

Yes, the flowers are beautiful but the
leaves for some reason are turning chlorotic.

18 Nov, 2009


I am going to try growing one of these this spring.

20 Nov, 2009



The species I've posed is not readily available.
I purchased it at a specialty nursery which doens't
carry it anymore. Holmskioldia sanguinea is the
most common species available which is very pretty

20 Nov, 2009


I believe the common one is the one I have seeds for. I hope it is even close to the beauty of this one.

25 Nov, 2009



Holmskioldia sanguinea is a beautiful shrub also.
I'm sure it'll do well for you...however, they're very
tropical in origin and therefore, very tender to cool
or cold weather.

Also, it's a Fall and Winter flowering shrub.

25 Nov, 2009

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This photo is of species Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon'.

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