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Pidgeon flew into the window

Pidgeon flew into the window

This poor little fellow flew into our kitchen window yesterday. He must have stunned himself as he sat there for over two hours before flying away. We even got to stroke him and hand feed him pieces of bread!

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What a shock for him Ian...pleased to hear he recuperated with some tlc...then went on his way.....:o)

30 Dec, 2009


Holly loved it, she wanted to bring him in and keep him as a pet!

31 Dec, 2009


Awww....poor little fella.
Had a woodpecker fly into our window yesterday but he just clung onto the window thermometer for a few seconds and then flew off. Scared the cats to death!! LOL

31 Dec, 2009


oh..I had a terrible thing happen one day while I was on web cam with Steve...a little junco flew into the window and knocked itself out. I picked it up and brought it in to show it to Steve on webcam..just barely opened my hand and it flew straight into my printer...I then managed to grasp it but it slipped further into the printer and all I had left in my fingers was its tail feathers..they came out so easily...oh my... Steve got to hear me gasping and carrying on until I knocked the webcam down and it went off...from there I had to take my printer apart and shake it upside down to get the little fellow out...while it was turning off and on and I was squealing!..oh no!....I thought he was going to be printed on...but he was actually alright.,.I took him outside and set him in a sheltered spot on my railing..he sat there for a bit..I got Steve back online and told him what had happened, then went to check on the bird on the railing. He saw me coming and flew to the windowsill...He sat there for a tail feathers..then I checked the window sill and he flew to the bushes..I felt just horrible..hard to think what he must have thought was trying to eat him...

I still have his tail feathers.. :(

31 Dec, 2009


Oh!! Poor little thing.....really, that's awful Cat but I can't help but giggle at the picture of you tearing apart your printer.... :oD

31 Dec, 2009


WOW! That is awesome!!
We have a few birds hit our bay window from time to time and one poor little white-wing dove knocked himself out and was laying in the backyard a few feet from the window one day. I inspected him to see if he had any broken bones while he was down and he looked OK, but was really groggy from the hit.
I took an eye-dropper and filled it with some sugar-water and squirted it into his partially opened beak and he slowly started to recover. 20 minutes later he flew off as if nothing had happened. It was SO cool to see that!

31 Dec, 2009


Crikey Cat....they see the reflection of outside this time of year don't they. Where I work there was an almighty crash a couple of weeks ago, I thought a window had been smashed, but when I checked.....a pheasanr was outside stumbling around, (rings and stars circling above his head).... he was okay though and just trotted I leave the light on in that room while I'm there....:o)

31 Dec, 2009


Holly got up this morning and went straight to the window to see if he had come back again! She was sooooo disappointed that it wasn't. :~((

31 Dec, 2009


Let's hope he/she recovered, Ian.

Poor Cat - that was an awful experience for you. :-(((

31 Dec, 2009


Awwwww bless him. hope he's alright.

31 Dec, 2009


I hope Holly knows he appreciates all that she did to help him..but probably does not like that window anymore... hugs to Holly...

31 Dec, 2009


Poor little bird, at least you were there to revive him, lets hope he`s ok now,.....

31 Dec, 2009


ahhhhhh poor thing....... ive had them do that on my french windows before....

31 Dec, 2009


I've seen him today, He's a regular in our garden and has been around all year but that was the first time we've seen him that close up. Holly stood for ages in the garden with a piece of bread in her hand but to no avail, he wouldn't come down.

31 Dec, 2009


Glad hes ok........ i have wood pigeons that come every day 4 the bread i throw out.....

31 Dec, 2009


Happy new year Ian Hope the little bird is ok

1 Jan, 2010


He's sitting on the fence today waiting (with others) for his breakfast. He looks just fine and dandy. Lol

Donnah, thank you very much and the same to you and all of your family. :~))

1 Jan, 2010


lucky u Ian ...nnice to handle him...

poor u Cat..sounded awefull

2 Jan, 2010

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