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What is this little bird?

What is this little bird?

....does anybody know? He flew down and went under a hedge and was grubbing around. I have not seen one like this before.

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It could be a Dunnock Pg, though the one in my garden and book isn't so heavily striped as this....I bet Bonkers would know...........

6 Jan, 2010


They are grey breasted aren't they Janey? Yes, you're right, BB will probably know! He'll be here sometime I'm sure...!

6 Jan, 2010


Well think you re both right to doubt Dunnock as you say more heavily grey and dont have that ring around eye do they ? really struggled as not easy to ID small brown birds I d settle on Meadow Pipit if you search for images or possibly Rock Pipit if you near sea they spend winter months very close to shorelines.

6 Jan, 2010


Could it be a twite? Not sure which areas they are found in so I am just guessing :)

6 Jan, 2010


Not near the sea BB so looked up Meadow Pipit and that's a pretty similar bird, so think you are right on that! New one here, well, I have not seen before. But they seem to only eat insects, spiders, flies etc. can see no mention of seeds. May-be that's why they don't come to the tables? Yet to find the mealworms?!

6 Jan, 2010


Just looked up Twite Gee, can see what you is similar. But the beak seems to look to be a shorter, stubby bill where as this little thing has quite a slender one. Which goes with the insect eating description of the Pipit. Interesting, to get a different species.

6 Jan, 2010


Pipits not often found in gardens PG so perhaps weather driving them in land a little although quite common they are often found on moor and heathland etc.
So rarely seen on bird tables.

Yes Gee looked at Twite as the markings very similar but thought the beak a little thicker and shorter on them much easier to spot the brightly coloured ones isnt it ?

6 Jan, 2010


It's certainly a cute little thing :)

6 Jan, 2010


Interesting .. The Meadow and the Rock or water Pipit look very much alike in my book ......... well done for spotting it PG ....

6 Jan, 2010


They do in mine too Amy lol

6 Jan, 2010


Aaaaawwwwwwwww its very cute PG :)so is it a UK bird then as iv not ever seen 1 b4 :) Thanx 4 sharing the Pic :)

6 Jan, 2010


BB ~ Yes, may-be they are coming inland like the sea gulls do. It must be even colder by the sea.

Amy ~ I couldn't see what it was until I put the photo's up on my laptop!!
It flew across in front of me as I was walking and went under the hedge. It was this that made me photograph it as it was a different behaviour to the other birds. I was taking snow pics at the time!

Jacque ~ happy to share, it's interesting to have a different species. We have a lot of suitable shelter here so hope it will be OK.

6 Jan, 2010


Yes, the Dunnock is a lot greyer.....the Meadow Pipit, in my book, should winter in southern Europe and North Africa. I wonder if it was late fledging and wasn't strong enough to says they are seldom resident...........

6 Jan, 2010


It's interesting you say that Janey, as I thought it looked a young bird and when I look at the other photos I took even where it is bending over to feed I can see no tail....? On the RSPB site it has a normal tail length.

6 Jan, 2010


Lovely photo cute

6 Jan, 2010


Don't want to start a massive GoY argument.....but I think it's a juvenile Siskin.

7 Jan, 2010


Can see what you mean Phil,..... it's just the beak, the pictures of Siskins I have seen look to have a heavier beak than this little guy.
I am tempted to send the photo to the RSPB but their website says they are getting a large amount of traffic at the moment and can't guarantee replying. So I'll wait a while!

7 Jan, 2010


Really Philc1....lets have a look..........

7 Jan, 2010're right Pg...the Siskin is Finch with a seed eating beak.....whereas your bird looks like an insect eater....have you had a look on Google Pg?

7 Jan, 2010


No Janey, I might just do that! Off I go.....

7 Jan, 2010


Just had a look Pg...definitely a baby Meadow's hope it comes through the winter okay.....X

7 Jan, 2010


Yes, found it too, I agree Janey, Not walked that area today, will go again tomorrow and see if I can see it again.

7 Jan, 2010


:o) X

7 Jan, 2010


this little bird is so lovely potty,,, well captured :o))

10 Jan, 2010


He's a cutie isn't he? I have been back to where I saw him but have not spotted him again.

10 Jan, 2010


just looked it up and it said maedow pipits would have pinkish legs where rock pipits dont, so watch his legs potty lol

10 Jan, 2010



10 Jan, 2010


I too would say it's a Meadow Pipit PG. Amazingly one hopped across the pavement in front of me 2 days ago on my way to the shops ! A lot of birds appear in unusual places in hard weather, it's what makes birdwatching interesting, you never know what may turn up ! :-)

15 Jan, 2010


Can't join in the debate as to what this bird is, except to say it is definitely not a Dunnock. We have a pair of Dunnocks around our garden. Lovely song they have.

20 Apr, 2010

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