BOO !!!
By Muddywalters

7 Jan, 2010
Aaargh ! It's the Snow Bogeyman lol
Comments on this photo
I'm glad we don't have them in Norfolk .. to scary LOL......
7 Jan, 2010
Looks great...though he's not smiling...:o(
7 Jan, 2010
Could do with washing his
7 Jan, 2010
I thought I may get some amusing responses (I like a laugh - exercises those facial muscles). Paul, it does look like the opposite of an imprint doesn't it - what is the opposite of imprint ?.
Amy, I hope I don't give you nightmares lol
Janey, it was too shockingly cold to smile - just a muffled scream !
Amblealice, he has the hands of a true gardener, perhaps he's been weeding for me........if only lol
7 Jan, 2010
Outprint I suppose. Is that what the newspaers throw away? Like an outtake on tv or film!
7 Jan, 2010
He was offering a free bottle of wine on his blog for the first naked one, who dares this, being a bit double handed and two faced I think putting this on twice ha ha ha, as he must be keeping the bottle, as no one has gone forward, as a contender, I think it should be Muddywalters doing the naked imprint or reveal all, himself in person lol
7 Jan, 2010
looks spooky, great pic muddy ;o)
7 Jan, 2010
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....No chance Sixpence ! Two hands and a face was quite enough........might get frostbite LOL ;-))
7 Jan, 2010
Thanks Sandra, do you remember a singer back in the 80's called Buster Bloodvessel (with Bad Manners I think)......reminds me of him. :-)
7 Jan, 2010
yes i do muddy i use to love watching him lol
7 Jan, 2010
Oh nice one ha ha ha ....
7 Jan, 2010
Thanks Milky, you should persuade Ray to have a go, tell him Jordan's hiding under the
8 Jan, 2010
I've just posted a photo - am I the first to enter?
13 Jan, 2010
Not only the first Gill, but the only one !
13 Jan, 2010
21 Feb, 2010
Pictures by muddywalters
31 of 204
What else?
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Get him out from under there. Poor fella will catch his death....
7 Jan, 2010