The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

.wed_6th_jan_2010...JUST GOOD


By Motinot

.wed_6th_jan_2010...JUST GOOD

Comments on this photo


how lovely, two friends!!!

7 Jan, 2010


I wonder how many will survive this harsh winter:-(

7 Jan, 2010


What a plumpie! Lovely pic...:o)

7 Jan, 2010


Well fed around here Janey...i went to B&Q today and bought loads of seed and fat balls because it seems like the ground is never going to thaw...:>)

7 Jan, 2010


Thats true Motinot........I noticed today though the fat cakes and balls were frozen wonder there were no birds at them...:o(

7 Jan, 2010


I never thought of that Janey.....Of course they would become frozen...:<(...poor wee birds

7 Jan, 2010


Had to bring our 2 fatdishes...fat and porridge twice today to warm up as was solid.Even the starlings sharp little beaks were having no impression !

7 Jan, 2010


I'll try and keep mine defrosted too Bb....thanks for that..:>)

7 Jan, 2010


Only realised when saw a determined little beak digging repeatedly into the dish and hardly making an impression ! This weather.......

7 Jan, 2010

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