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Robin bathing


By Amy

Robin bathing

must be mad !

Comments on this photo


If he wants to make it through this weather, then his plumage has to be in tip-top condition, his stomach full and the hardest thing to find is water. I bet that's one of the most popular places in your garden right now. Great photo. :-)

10 Jan, 2010


I have lost the battle with my frozen birdbath,so have to keep putting a dish nearer the house.and can't count the times I am having to replenish it,as it freezes over in no time.I wonder if they are having to peck at snow for moisture?It is so hard for them.We have had a slight thaw today,and have seen them getting some water from the guttering on the shed,so thats better for them.Unfortunately,it seems it isn't going to last,as given more snow and
freezing temps again tonight.When is it ever going to end?..

10 Jan, 2010


Lovely photo, but it does make me shiver just to see him :)
A real thaw here today, and the thick slush makes it hard to walk on the pavements but if it freezes tonight they will be like ice rinks again :(

10 Jan, 2010


Thanks all... You are right Muddywalter .. it is the most popular place in the garden .. .. so many birds have been coming in to drink and bath right up to the last minute when it's almost dark ... .this little one had several dips before he had had enough .. :o) they are usually waiting near it in the morning as well ........

I have been very surprised that this water feature hasn't frozen , I suppose it's far enough under the ground ...

10 Jan, 2010


awww lovely amy,, he knows your watching him to ;o))

10 Jan, 2010


Great pic does make you shiver to see them bathe in this icy weather,but as Muddy says its so important for their feather condition .

10 Jan, 2010


Your water feature is a great hit with the birds Amy - its like a double bonus.

10 Jan, 2010


He did stop and look at me Sandra , it was taken through the glass but he saw me move ..... BB / Dawn they do love this water feature , I do as well because I can see it from my kitchen window ... I often see some funny antics but as usual to late with the camera :o)

10 Jan, 2010


Great photo, i empty my bird bath at night then fill it up in morning and it does'nt seem to freezeas quick, plus the birds can use it straight away in morning.

11 Jan, 2010


Thanks Carole . thats a good idea ... hopefully you won't have to do that for to much longer it's beginning to thaw :o)

11 Jan, 2010


Here aswell thank goodness.

11 Jan, 2010


I was a bit optimistic about the thaw,as it is worse now,after freezing over last
night,and more snow on top of it.Freezing fog too,so a lot of accidents today,and roads gridlocked this morning.
Clarice,I am going to try your method about emptying the bird bath at night...good idea.

11 Jan, 2010


Thats bad Bloomer .. A lot of people are being injured not only on the roads but on slippery paths that they don't clear any more , it's like a skating rink at the top of this road .......:o(

11 Jan, 2010

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