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Another succulent name anybody?

Another succulent name anybody?

About to flower, not seen this one before....

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Really looks like Crassula atropurpurea var anomala...but not sure. Would like to see it flowering...

4 Feb, 2010


Hi there Uma, thanks will keep my eye on this and then pop a pic on when it flowers.

4 Feb, 2010


OK, looking forward to...:)

4 Feb, 2010


I agree,wiih Uma.Mine has tiny white flowers,if it is the same variety,and had it at least 15 years.I have taken lots of cuttings since then,but the main one has only ever flowered 3 times.

5 Feb, 2010


I call them a money plant.

5 Feb, 2010


Bloomer have you put any pics on? Clarice this is nothing like my money plant, will you put a pic on of your plant so we can compare please? and I will put a photo of my money plant on.too.

5 Feb, 2010


"Anomala" means this plant will never look like the common Crassula. It's like a gnome in the Crassula Kingdom! :) And think, DD, when you give it some more sun, it'll have some purple colour on the leaves.

6 Feb, 2010


Sorry,Dd,haven't got any pics,but Iike Clarice,have always known it as a money plant..or Jade plant....

6 Feb, 2010


Bloomer no probs,Uma I shall look forward to seeing it in the summer, thanks again for your information.

7 Feb, 2010


Thanks, DD, for your interesting tasks...:)

8 Feb, 2010


Uma I dont want you getting bored now, do I?

8 Feb, 2010


Hope, this weekend you are going shopping for some new succulents...:)

8 Feb, 2010


Uma have bought a Yucca and a Clivia, both had labels this time......!!

14 Feb, 2010


Great! I'm not good at Yuccas...:)

15 Feb, 2010


I did not want you to be overworked, put some more succulents on, have no idea what they are........?

17 Feb, 2010

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