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Amazingly still alive having had no water for months


By Terry60

Amazingly still alive having had no water for months

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Maybe the plant was helping itself from the liquor store in the cellar...


6 Feb, 2010


Yep TT, you've guessed, it's got these strawberry-like runners that creep along the floor into the cantina!!

6 Feb, 2010


This must be a plant that doesn't mind the dry part of the garden..........Perhaps it will grow 6 feet when watered just to make up for lost timeLOL.

6 Jun, 2010


Perhaps it would be happier if I left it outside when I'm away for months on end at the end of the summer ..... I shall have to remember your words in October !!

7 Jun, 2010


Haven't you a neighbour who would do a spot of watering for you? We all help each other out here. I put out my palms in the summer.

7 Jun, 2010


I do actually Lindak for my plants outside, but somehow this poor thing gets forgotten on my bathroom windowsill !!

8 Jun, 2010


Perhaps it likes the steam.....LOL

10 Jun, 2010

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