Iris reticulata "George"
By Amblealice

15 Feb, 2010
First iris of the season to open.
Comments on this photo
Huh, and our "George" are still short green "stumps!! :-))
16 Feb, 2010
It took a couple of weeks to must have heard me telling it ..:)
16 Feb, 2010
Works everytime! Beautiful colour :-))
16 Feb, 2010
Yes, like sexy satin sheets! lol!
16 Feb, 2010
Ooooh - errr!! LOL.
16 Feb, 2010
I know! lol! I got a bit carried away, most unlike me :) See what happens when you see deep affects the brain in strange ways!
16 Feb, 2010
Heeheee.....try shutting your eyes!
16 Feb, 2010
Karen!!! have that affect on folk :-)
17 Feb, 2010
Karen really mustn't grow 'George' - this is getting worrying!
17 Feb, 2010
Can just see the headlines now........Stocks of Iris reticulata "George"......SOLD OUT..........LOL
17 Feb, 2010
LOL, Alice! Are you paying attention, Karen? ;-)
17 Feb, 2010
Crumbs...Spritz....I think we have embarrassed the poor girl........Its ok Karen....we're just teasing!!!!!
17 Feb, 2010
Satin sheets and leather sofa's - I can't help but slide off !!! ... lol Back to the subject - gorgeous colour. :-))
17 Feb, 2010
Ha ha ha ha!!! slide off!! ha ha!! npml!
17 Feb, 2010
npml ? Man I need educating - until I learnt lol, all I knew was swalk !!! :-))
17 Feb, 2010
Muddy! I laughed so much I almost leaked!!...get it?
17 Feb, 2010
Oh right ! lol !!!!! :-))
17 Feb, 2010
Pst...girls.....I wonder how Muddy knows about sliding off satin sheets and leather
17 Feb, 2010
The worst possible combination ever, would have to be satin sheets, on a leather - edged water bed - I'd have to be tied down ! But that's another story :-))
17 Feb, 2010
Oh lordy, what HAVE I started?!! lol . ....
18 Feb, 2010
LOL. Tsk, tsk! ;-)
18 Feb, 2010
Excuse me, been away for 5 days and returned to the above comments ! What on Earth have i been missing ? Satin, leather, water beds . . . .not what i was expecting to read, very funny though. Back to reality now after being spoilt in a hotel.( no satin or leather though ! ) . L.o.l.
19 Feb, 2010
What - this is reality? LOL.
19 Feb, 2010
He.he.he.....poor "George".....what has he!!!!!
19 Feb, 2010
Was all this my fault for buying that little pot of 'George' by any chance? SIGH....I usually get the blame, don't I?
Don't tell poor George off! He's a very handsome chap. :-))))
19 Feb, 2010
I've given him a kiss and he has forgiven
20 Feb, 2010
What a relief! :-))))
20 Feb, 2010
I think you lot are all getting cabin fever with the weather! I think a visit to a garden centre is in order! :)
20 Feb, 2010
Is that only a suggestion - or have we really GOT to?? ;-)
20 Feb, 2010
What a good idea you go !!!
20 Feb, 2010
Compulsory for me guys!
20 Feb, 2010
I was in the garden WORKING for 4 hours today - I did a lot, but I suspect I've done too much - as usual. I do need some Aubrieta plants, though. I might take myself off on Monday. :-))) Only for Aubrieta, naturally! lol.
20 Feb, 2010
Of course pet.......why else!!
20 Feb, 2010
Hmmm...I wonder if they'll have anything else interesting? lol.
20 Feb, 2010
I'm sure they will :-) (wink)
21 Feb, 2010
Tell you when I've been!
21 Feb, 2010
I'm sure you will !!! pics please :-))
21 Feb, 2010
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Hi George! I seem to remember you from somewhere....hmmm...where was that??
15 Feb, 2010