Patio Rockery
By Pansypotter

16 Feb, 2010
Lots of new growth pushing through the cold soil and theres still some nice colour from the heathers and new foilage and the bulbs are putting on a spurt too!
Comments on this photo
16 Feb, 2010
looks great carole even in winter :o)
16 Feb, 2010
I think it's gorgeous too :-))
16 Feb, 2010
Your garden doesn't look like winter at all Carole :o)
16 Feb, 2010
Thanks Yorkshire, Eileen, Sandra, Louise and Hywell p.s Hywel it isnt all good had a few casualties with the weather My Palm ,Yucca and Phorminum are looking very bedraggled and some of the euynomus shrubs looking very sorry for themselves, but hoping they will revive when the weather warms up!
16 Feb, 2010
Things do look to be perking up around there. Hope there are few to no losses.
16 Feb, 2010
Well it all looks very well Carole :o)
16 Feb, 2010
carole my phorminums always look a bit bedraggled afetr winter but after ive taken dead leaves and fed in spring they soon look back to normal :o))
16 Feb, 2010
No SNOW .. it is looking pretty after all that nasty weather Carole !
16 Feb, 2010
A lovely garden Carole,and your new bird table and bath look gret in the background.Are the birds coming to them yet?
16 Feb, 2010
Thanks GT,Hywel,Sandra I will cut the dead leaves down, will probably look a bit better then!
Thanks Amy would you believe it was covered with snow again this morning, but luckly went by dinner time!
Thanks Bloomer the birds are very happy with the Birdtable but havent seen anyone bathing yet lol
16 Feb, 2010
looks lovely PP........
17 Feb, 2010
Thanks Deida I think rockeries look well throughout the year even when there isnt much colour as the rocks always provide a nice focal point!
17 Feb, 2010
agree with you's starting to we go again
17 Feb, 2010
Oh Dear Deida hope its not much, we had snow showers yesterday but thankfully its dry today but freezing!
17 Feb, 2010
Glad they are using it PP.Can't say I blame them for not bathing in it this weather....its Freezing fog and so cold here today.The blackbird and robin
keep looking at me for more food,and haven't much left,so keep raiding the seeds I put in the feeders,from the shed,to throw on the ground,as they seem so hungry.The good news is,I have just cut up the last apple in the fridge for them..but the bad news is,Russell can't take it to work tomoorrow now Lol.
Never mind,their need is greater,and I have made some scones ,so he can
take one of them instead....:o)))
17 Feb, 2010
Very spring like in your garden. Lovely sunshine here today and I have spent 5 hours tidying up the back garden - hurrah!
17 Feb, 2010
Bloomer its the same here B....Cold! I whipped round the garden filling up feeders this morning and have done my bird watching from indoors while I tackled the ironing, mmm a scone would go down very nicely right now!
Pleased you have had a good day Gee, its a great feeling when you can get some work done in the garden, hope its a sign that Springs around the corner.
17 Feb, 2010
Carole your garden looks lovely and its still winter.
19 Feb, 2010
Thanks Carol, the rockery does seem to provide colour all the year through;0)
19 Feb, 2010
Better view without all the deep snow Pp !!
19 Feb, 2010
Thanks I agree BB can see whats going on down there in that soil now !
19 Feb, 2010
Lol...about time too !
19 Feb, 2010
19 Feb, 2010
You ve got your lovely green garden back love the display of heathers so pretty.
19 Feb, 2010
You certainly have a beautiful garden Pansy. I try to put things together like this but it just looks a mess. Well done to you.
20 Feb, 2010
Thank you both for your kind comments ;0)
20 Feb, 2010
I have been enjoying the photos of your garden. I have just moved into a new house with a "blank-slate" garden. Yours looks so welcoming.
13 Mar, 2010
Thanks Ione and big welcome to Goy, will have a peep at your site a little later on ;0)
13 Mar, 2010
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very pretty garden
16 Feb, 2010