Syagrus romanzoffiana - Queen Palms freshly pruned
By Delonix1
- 1 Mar, 2010
Several of these historic 100 year old Queen Palms fell or the crowns were blown off during the huge El Niño storms from Jan. 18 - 22. This was due to San Diego City budget cuts...which didn't allow these trees to be pruned like it's done every fall. I complained to the city with many other people to have these trees pruned. Well, it was finally done...even after the city reps. said it wasn't going to happen because of the lack of funds. Photo taken Feb. 28, 2010.
Comments on this photo
im so glad the city has decided to look after them....they are so majestic....
1 Mar, 2010
I'm so glad too. : > ) They still have to prune the palms on the other side of the street though.
I think some of these Queen Palms are more than 90 feet/ 28 meters tall...and the long and heavy fronds and fruit clusters make the crowns very heavy and susceptible to being blown down in big storms.(which we don't get very often)
1 Mar, 2010
But as with most government bodies usualy after the damage is done..;o((
1 Mar, 2010
That's so true! Since I'm an accountant and have worked for government entities in the past...I know it all too well!
1 Mar, 2010
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This photo is of species Syagrus romanzoffiana - Queen Palm.
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These Queen Palms line 6th Ave. on the Western Edition of Balboa Park for more than a mile. They were planted around 1910 by the late, great Horticulturist, Kate Sessions.
1 Mar, 2010