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Spiraea japonica "Gold Flame"


By David

Spiraea japonica "Gold Flame"

Sometimes referred to as "Goldflame", i.e. one word.

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Hi David...I love this stuff too. believe it or not I have one growing under the steps to my deck! It's parent plant is about 10 feet away. it started so small and the colour is so nice I just left it's getting larger now and pretty soon I'm going to have to find it a new

24 Apr, 2008


I just love spiraeas too.! They are tough as nails, grow just about anywhere, have great color variations, and bloom off and on all season,... just doesn't get any better than that.!

26 Apr, 2008


Good Luck with moving it, Lori. I have one in the wrong place, but, as you say, Fl, they are mega-tough. Have never managed to move it or kill it in the attempts these past 5 years! It is a nice variety called "Bridal Veil". They ARE terrific value plants, indeed.

26 Apr, 2008


Hi David...just posted a picture of my spirea waif...

27 Apr, 2008

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This photo is of "D. Shrubs and Climbers " in David's garden

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