Strelitzia reginae - Bird-of-Paradise Flower
By Delonix1
- 11 Mar, 2010
Photo taken Feb. 26, 2010.
Comments on this photo
Such a beautiful sight.........
11 Mar, 2010
Very beautiful.
11 Mar, 2010
Amazing, my husband is trying to grow some from seed......
12 Mar, 2010
These are lovely plants.
Dottydaisy; mine will be seven years old this year & I'm hoping that it may finally bloom for me. I hope that hubby is patient!
I called into a garden centre on my way home tonight & they had one just coming into flower. Price - £50!!! Not much bigger than mine either.
12 Mar, 2010
Good gracious, I cannot believe it £50.00......!! 7 years is a long tome to wait, dont think I will tell him that!!
12 Mar, 2010
I was pretty gobsmacked!!
They're very easy to grow from seed & I reckon that I'm probably a year or 2 behind as it was the first thing that I'd grown since I was kid.
13 Mar, 2010
Yes, they take a long time to bloom from seed up to 10 years. Here in San Diego since they are so commonly grown...we just get a section from a neighbor or friend. Almost all my neighbors have one or many in their yard. I have only one large clump left I pulled out the large clump in my backyard 4 years ago and gave it away.
Wow!!! 50pounds for a Bird-of-paradise! A 5 gallon blooming Bird-of-paradise costs around 8 - 10 dollars here.
13 Mar, 2010
You can pick up a tiddler with 3 or 4 small leaves for about £4 here!!
13 Mar, 2010
One about 2 feet tall runs about $4.00 and a 15 gallon very large plant is usually around $25 - $30.
15 Mar, 2010
I was thinking of buying a couple of large plants next time we go to Las Palmas as they are only a few euros. Would it be possible to chop the leaves off & empty the pot, just bringing back the tuberous root system, or would I be wasting my time?
16 Mar, 2010
Yes, that's very doable...they should grow back quite quickly...and even bloom within that same year.
16 Mar, 2010
Thanks for the reply - it's a plan
I found this site earlier.....
....Dwarf S.reginae that could flower in 18 months!?!?
17 Mar, 2010
Good luck! : > )
The dwarf form of Strelitzia reginae is very widely grown here in the street medians along with Natal plum, purple Lantana, bright pink trailing Pelargonium - Geranium, Bougainvillea and Jacaranda trees.
18 Mar, 2010
That sounds amazing- all my favourites!
16 Apr, 2010
Most of all those plants bloom heavily here in winter with exception of the Jacaranda trees...which are starting to bloom now.
17 Apr, 2010
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