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Go on, give me a treat mum, I'm being good!

Go on, give me a treat mum, I'm being good!

Raffles deciding a bit of bribery can be a good thing, even if he hates having his photo taken!

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I hope he had his treat :o))
I think he deserves one :o)

12 Mar, 2010


Hi Hywel, oh yes, this little lad of mine can wrap me round his furry paw, believe you me lol! I know taking on rescue dogs, and all the problems that can come with them, isn't to everyone's choice, but they can give so much back once the trust has been regained.He is a very special boy, we are lucky he decided he wanted to come home with us, and make our family complete. :o))))

12 Mar, 2010


good on you takin in a rescue dog. my two came from the local pound and they are fantastic girls

12 Mar, 2010


How can you refuse him a treat, when he looks at you like this. LOL

12 Mar, 2010


Rescue dogs can be an absolute joy and a nightmare at times, as there are so many issues you have to deal with regarding their pasts.Raff is my 9th rescue in the last 30 years, as a lot of my dogs have been from 5 upwards, the oldest pair we took on were 10, and they lived till 19 and 21, and gave me my love for Jack Russels. So much character packed into a little furry body ha ha :o))

13 Mar, 2010


Hello there Raffles - 3 cheers for us Jacks - You're even the same colour as us - Buddy & Holly x

14 Mar, 2010


Hi there Cg, Thank you for welcoming Raff, he is a sweetheart,though for a Jack, he's quite leggy with a long tail, and very speckled, so think there might be something else in the mix somewhere lol! Had a look at Buddy and Holly, and they are Gorgeous Cg!, and so are the photos you have posted! I think there are some of the greatest photographers I have ever seen, on this site, and as I love taking pics too, it's double the pleasure for me to browse them. Am so very glad I stumbled across Goy, and am passing on site details to neighbours in my village and friends, this site just to good to miss :o)))) Ps, Raff says Hello to your JRs too :o)) x

15 Mar, 2010


Awwwwww look at his little face, he's adorable! :o))

7 Jul, 2010


Oh Bb, if you but knew the half of it! LOL! He is a sweetheart, and we had him from the rescue centre, he has been with us just over a year now!

7 Jul, 2010


hi little lad ..... are you wondering who we are !!

3 Dec, 2010

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