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sweet peas


By Sanbaz

sweet peas

got these sweetpeas from garden centre and just repotted, thought there was a few plants in there but these are dwarf sweetpeas which grow to about 18inch, so will see what they turn out like, leave them all together in a bunch i think cause i cant seperate them, seems like one plant, if anyone knows plez let me know

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You've been busy :o)

13 Mar, 2010


i sure have Terra, i thought these were regular sweetpeas but they are dwarf, so will be interesting wont it lol

13 Mar, 2010


Yes, I guess I won't be able to put them on GoYpedia climbing plants. LOL.

... maybe GoYpedia "climb a little bit" plants...:o)

13 Mar, 2010


lol Terra, no i dont think you will haha

13 Mar, 2010



13 Mar, 2010


they look nice plants...... im growing sweetpea seeds i got in gardeners world...

13 Mar, 2010


ive got some seeds holly which i might plant n ow because these are dwarf ones, i had lovely sweetpeas last summer, masses of them :o)

13 Mar, 2010


ive never seen your shorter ones before..... they smell so lovely in the summer dony they i had them in a pot last year on the patio....

13 Mar, 2010


The dwarf varieties are nice along rails or patios. High spots where the flower and fragrance is close. You can get the sweet peaexperience without using as much space. (I do like the big climbers still though) I found seed of a blue variety that doesn't say if its tall or not. Hmph! Not sure what to do with them. :-)

This may be one plant per pot with the top already pinched out a while back, you'll have nice clumps with many flowering tops.

13 Mar, 2010


I've heard of these sweetpeas but never seen them before, be interesting to see them later.

13 Mar, 2010


We're all going to watch these with interest :)

13 Mar, 2010


I haven't seen these before San , I'm looking forward to seeing them later in flower .. :o)

13 Mar, 2010


holly i havent seen dwarf ones before either, pure accidental getting these ;o)
cheers GT nice to know you know what they are so im looking forward to them now :o)
carol i got them from the plant place i think :o)
Gee seems so doesnt it lol, not sure where they will go now, last years went right over the fence, dont think these will even need surport from reading label :o)
thanx amy will take pics when flowers come ;o))

13 Mar, 2010


You are getting well ahead of the game, look forward to them when they are out.

13 Mar, 2010


I did a few dwarf ones last year they are good in hanging baskets as you can get them to trail, Im growing from seed from Gardners World this time like Holly!

13 Mar, 2010


cheers TOG and carole,:o)
good idea about hanging baskets to carole thanx :o)

14 Mar, 2010


I saved some seeds from my sweet peas last year Sandra they have not germinated yet though. The dwarf ones should look good though :-)

17 Mar, 2010


Did you soak them Richardpeeej? They can't break their own shells very easily without a soak. Quick germinators after.

17 Mar, 2010


Yes I did remember to soak them Greenthumb-someone had to tell me about it though as I didn't know about soaking them previously.

17 Mar, 2010


have you got them in a propergator richard on a sunny ledge, or what ive done in the past is damp them and tie in a large plastic bag till they shoot,

17 Mar, 2010


They are in the greenhouse Sandra under a plastic lid -it is not a heated greenhouse so maybe they will take a little longer to germinate. Yours look so good are you going to plant them out soon or wait for a few weeks until the weather warms up a bit more?

18 Mar, 2010


I have had seed just come up from years before in my soil, you can never tell. :-) I plant in the ground a week or two before frost is past and still get a great season out of them.

18 Mar, 2010


think i will get them out soon richard as they were outside at GC, so as soon as my new area ready for planting,:o))
its amazing GT how strong little seeds can be dont you think, come up when we least expect them to,ive got seeds which im going to put right into ground when ready :o))

18 Mar, 2010


I haven't had much luck sowing straight into the ground Sandra I usually lose them, or can't remember where I put them. I grow them in trays then I know they are not weeds .. lol then plant them out.

18 Mar, 2010


It is amazing Sandra. Those little seeds spent the winter outdoors in the potting soil, that they survived that at all is amazing! I should try a fall seeding of sweet pea one year and see what happens. :-)

19 Mar, 2010


Gt not been out all winter just out since feb at garden centre, they need to be in greenhouse in winter im sure :o))
richard i havent ried right into ground before but will end you like you and lose them or wont come up lol

19 Mar, 2010

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