close-up of black bamboo
By Sanbaz

16 Mar, 2010
i wanted an establist one cause takes a couple of years to turn black so im made up with this lovely specimen
Comments on this photo
cheers yorkshire i checked it well cause it was a bit more expensive being a establist one, but couldnt resist it :o)
16 Mar, 2010
its a great plant.....
16 Mar, 2010
thanx holly im so made up with this, wanted for ages :o))
16 Mar, 2010
It looks lovely . I want it !!
16 Mar, 2010
lol amy, harder to get than normal ones, can online but you dont know what your getting height wise, so when i saw just this one in B&Q i had to have it :o))
16 Mar, 2010
I don't blame you , it's a lovely specimen !
16 Mar, 2010
16 Mar, 2010
It looks in brill condition...
16 Mar, 2010
its pretty good carol just a bit wind blown at the top but ok, i will read up on them to see about pruning etc
16 Mar, 2010
With plenty of bamboo, you'll be able to make some nice kites...
16 Mar, 2010
never thought of that Gb.. think i will just stick to growing it :o))
16 Mar, 2010
A great choice Sandra - beautiful plant, just look at those gorgeous black stems. :-)
16 Mar, 2010
the old canes make good pea sticks too! This is a lovely one Sandra, I guess you could just plant it in a huge plastic pot?
16 Mar, 2010
The only downside Sandra is that you now have to learn this song ...............................
16 Mar, 2010
Wouldn't worry about the song, Sanbaz but I'd love to see you doing the dance :)
Perhaps all GoYers who have bamboos could join you :)
17 Mar, 2010
thanx muddy will take a look at the link but i can imagine its funny knowing your sence of humor, lol
yes karen going in huge pot :o)
Gee im going to look now cant wait to see lol
17 Mar, 2010
just looked oh yes muddy maybe a quick song and dance when it goes in lol, loved the film but hated dick van dyke, really bad english acent hahah
17 Mar, 2010
You do get some great plants, we have had ours at least 10 years and it is not as big as yours, we kept it in a pot for 5 years then moved it to the garden has survived the last two winters.......I cut off the side shoots so that the canes look better.
18 Mar, 2010
thanx dotty do you find its sprouting up alot, some say they are avasive plants, i may do that with shoots to show the black canes off then :o)
18 Mar, 2010
Not as bad as other bamboos, it is fairly well contained.
18 Mar, 2010
thats good news dotty , thanx :o)
19 Mar, 2010
No probs, you are getting some lovely plants together for your new bed, looking forward to seeing it planted up......
19 Mar, 2010
me to dotty im itching to get it all done, rain on and off so tomoz will get out there,:o)
20 Mar, 2010
Keep looking at the black-stemmed Bamboo, mine just ordinary, though it is big! Bad Sanbaz! You're putting temptation in my path!!!! Can I resist????? I think not when B&Q only up the road and I can hear it calling to me.........:o(((( lol x
20 Mar, 2010
wait to see if you get one flori, lol, i cant wait to see all my new plants in new area, its killing me , and then i can see if i can fit any more :o)) let me know if you end up with one x
20 Mar, 2010
Am still resisting so far Sanbaz, but weakening by the minute......Have bought a Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' the other day for my 'Winter Garden' area. It was marked up at £10, but when I went to pay, I got it for £8 instead,that put a smile on my face :-)). Also bought some Geums and the tall Campanulas, so it's only a matter of time till a black Bamboo finds its way home with me too lol!!!!x
22 Mar, 2010
dawnsaunt has the viburnum recently posted pic, they are lovely, i just cant go to GC these days without spending, my hubby cannot believe me at times, its become an addiction, sometimes i feel my life revolves around gardening but i cant control it, sounds silly but its true, baz says 70% of my life is plants and garden, i feel awfull sometimes, going to have to get things into pospective lol
22 Mar, 2010
Sounds about right to me ! If Baz feels he's Mr 30%, all he has to do is spend more time with you in the garden !!!! (But don't tell him I said ..) :-))
22 Mar, 2010
Loved the comment Muddywalters! I just get this gravitational pull whenever I try to walk pass a GC, and I'm powerless to resist, so you are not alone San honest!!! {-))
22 Mar, 2010
lol muddy, i try to get him into it but apart from helping with heavy work he doesnt want to know im affraid, never mind cause he doesnt get a say in whats being done now, its my garden lol
22 Mar, 2010
Sandra, you're 'The Guv'nor'. My first wife was 50/50 in the garden and it was a pain - totaly different tastes. My second wife just wanted a bit of grass to put her sunlounger on - that was workable. Now I'm single again I only have to please myself (but it is nice to share). :-))
22 Mar, 2010
it is nice to share but as i do it i decide and baz lets me, he would have a lawn and shed, thats it lol, even though he does have a moan i know he likes what ive done, its an extension of the home i say :o),you need a gardening partner muddy :o)
22 Mar, 2010
Well for me, that's the joy of GOY ? I have access to dozens, hundreds, of gardening partners here, who offer advice, encouragement, a peep into their own gardens and a sense of humour. But yes, a physical presence would be nice - I could always put one of Del Boy's blow up dolls on a sunlounger - now THAT would make a good photo !!! :-))
22 Mar, 2010
lmao muddy, i still cant stop laughing when i think of that episode, its a cracker, plez dont post a pic when you get her hahaha
22 Mar, 2010
S'funny how you never see them second hand - Low mileage, reliable and a good runner ! ... lol :-))
22 Mar, 2010
lol your terrible muddy,, so funny ;o))
22 Mar, 2010
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ! :-))
22 Mar, 2010
haahahahah your going to be slung off the site lol
22 Mar, 2010
(With a bit of luck, nobody else saw it .. lol)
22 Mar, 2010
lets hope not hahaah
22 Mar, 2010
Well you can get puncture repair kits if you locate one Muddy, should 'she' deflate, or wilt in the heat!. Didn't catch the episode, but you and San have definitely put my imagination on overdrive hahaha!
23 Mar, 2010
lol flori, just muddy being muddy hahaha
23 Mar, 2010
You two are becoming GoYs double act, made me chuckle no end lol :~))
23 Mar, 2010
think we can all have our moments on here flori, it all adds to it dont you think, a bit of fun and madness :o)
23 Mar, 2010
Sandra .... you fun - me madness ! ha ha ha ha ha :-))
23 Mar, 2010
hahahah i`ll agree with that muddy, totally lol
23 Mar, 2010
Mine was only 3ft high when I bought it Sandra and yes, it took a few more years for it to turn black. I`ve had it nearly four years but it still has a fair way to go yet. Yours does look lovely. :o)
23 Mar, 2010
they are surpose to turn after about 3 sandra so maybe in hot country not our cold one, glad you like it :o)) going in big pot then in ground , some say avasive and some say not lol
23 Mar, 2010
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it looks great San, and very healthy
16 Mar, 2010