Local Raven
By Greenthumb

28 Mar, 2010
These monsters are year round and everywhere. Smart and often raggedly like this. This one ignored that my friend and I were there, just perched there. Then tried talking with us for a while.
Comments on this photo
The bird is obviously under the influence of some magical nature. Lucky you to be to snap this lovely picture.
28 Mar, 2010
Great pic GT.
Imposing but handsome birds:0))
28 Mar, 2010
always remind me of spooky films GT, lol, lovely birds though, great shot :o))
28 Mar, 2010
Great shot, your conversation must have been interesting, he looks rivited LOL
28 Mar, 2010
Fantastic shot. He might look raggety but he has a lovely sheen on his feathers.
28 Mar, 2010
Thank you all. I have been waiting for a chance to get a good close shot of one of these. Here, they are everywhere. Easily the most common next to the chickadee. This is the common raven, about 18 inches tall. They can be a bit spooky, but yes, very smart. If you live near a spot they nest in summer, you'll never have a nights rest, without darkness they talk all night. This was something strange, just stared at us, mesmerized. The new warmth and sun has us all acting strange....lol.
28 Mar, 2010
Caw !
- Friendly critter.
28 Mar, 2010
These are more than friendly Gurth, they'll steal your grocery right out of your bag in front of the market. :-) Thank you.
28 Mar, 2010
Great ...intelligent birds Gt...love this pic !
28 Mar, 2010
Thanks Bonkers! Finally had one stay put.....lol
They are smart, a bit of a menace here in such numbers, but definately smart. :-)
28 Mar, 2010
Pretty much like our rooks and crows ...live next door to a rookery Gt...my are they opportunists ! Strangely though they do not bother the little birds.....quite fond of them ....
28 Mar, 2010
They do enjoy other birds, it seems. They get a bad rap here always, droves in the grocery store lots and waste stations. But I do like having them around.
29 Mar, 2010
I think I'd be quite frightenend to have one of these at such close quarters GT. Too many Hitchcock films perhaps !!!
29 Mar, 2010
That film was definately terrifying, but here there are so many, you just have to get past it. They are inescapeable, but very nice.
29 Mar, 2010
great pic GT...i can never catch ours...
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks Sandra. These are big and bold, but I had never had one sit and pose for me.
29 Mar, 2010
ill keep trying to catch ours....we only have one pair..but they are so great to watch...
30 Mar, 2010
Full of character aren't they? :-)
31 Mar, 2010
Trying to tell you where it wanted a lift to no doubt. Lol
2 Apr, 2010
LOL! Sure was joining the party. :-) He kept eyeing something in the car through the window too. That might be what brought it in the first place.
4 Apr, 2010
Perhaps he fancied his reflection.
7 Apr, 2010
LOL, that could easily be it too. :-)
7 Apr, 2010
Much bigger than I imagined, dont see many here....great shot.
13 Apr, 2010
This is the common raven by name, but it is one of the largest. Probably 16 inches.
13 Apr, 2010
Big.....a witches cat!!!
13 Apr, 2010
:-) Very much so. :-)
14 Apr, 2010
aww he is friendly and cute!
24 Apr, 2010
They are definitely friendly. The ever present fowl of the area. Can be big noisy and messy but I enjoy having them around. Big grand things. TY.
25 Apr, 2010
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ravens are very intelligent birds. we have one in our local wildlife park that talks......he has picked up a few naughty words, : )
28 Mar, 2010