Great garden the back of it
By Great

28 Mar, 2010
You can see one of my raised beds. In this bed will be root crops this year. Can you see where my dad 'helped' me in the garden, 'pruning' (I call it hacking it nearly to death! my variegated bush??
Comments on this photo
It never stops growing. It is suppose to be a house plant!!!
28 Mar, 2010
I love your garden! That picnic table looks good. Do you enjoy your teabreaks there?!
28 Mar, 2010
Teabreaks!!!!! When its summer time me and the kids are out there for breakfast, teabreaks, lunch and supper!!! my daughter and I even do our planning out there we both work with children me with the under 5s her with secondary school kids. tou need a bull doser to get us out/
28 Mar, 2010
well my teabreaks are very elastic...!
it IS fantastic in the mild weather to practically live out there. i love it : )
31 Mar, 2010
You wouldn't want to spend your teabreaks in my garden at the mo its all mud!!! It seems were in for even more rain!!! I can't believe this; theres so much to do in the garden at this time of year we all need a break!!!
31 Mar, 2010
A big welcome to Goy , its anotherr project I will be be watching!
2 Apr, 2010
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I do see. It does live, thats a plus. A few thing love the hack. It should really grow a lot this season.
28 Mar, 2010