Big Daff and little Daffs
By Hollyeves

31 Mar, 2010
lots of my daffs have been knocked down in last nights bad winds...
Comments on this photo
yes the ones on the patio arnt to bad..... i think i will have to plant small daffs so they dont get knocked down in the wind next year...........
31 Mar, 2010
Looks like mother and babies! These seem to have survived the weather, Holly.
31 Mar, 2010
I went out and took pics today.... in case they get blown down.....
31 Mar, 2010
Hope they get through this bad spell Holly, I think the minature ones are so pretty and dont need staking'0)
31 Mar, 2010
thanks pp........i have some small ones as well.........hope these winds die down soon....
1 Apr, 2010
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oh what a shame. these look fine though
31 Mar, 2010