How tall did you say it would get?????!
By Floribunda

2 Apr, 2010
This photo specially for Tommy as promised! My Cordyline Australis was really tiny when we put it in, just look at him now!! I put this in a raised bed, and it's obviously very happy there, and looks rather exotic, it must be 8 or 9 years old now, but it's Huge! We have even seen birds nesting amongst its leaves, so provides a home for our feathered friends too!
Comments on this photo
They do flower really well, but up so high now, not always easy to photo.The dead looking bit you can see here, is the old spent flower heads from last year :~))
3 Apr, 2010
Yes my son has these in his garden, he gets my grandson to climb the ladder to get them down.
3 Apr, 2010
They are quite tough to reach Sixpence, specially when you're as short as I am ha ha. Hubbby will have to get his ladders out I think, and he doesn't like heights! {~O
3 Apr, 2010
I have some near us like this...........
3 Apr, 2010
Yes if it was me I would leave them till they droped Floribunda : O )
3 Apr, 2010
As long as I'm not underneath them when they do Sixpence lol! I remember trying to pull the old leaves away, and got so splattered with mud, I looked like I had been pebbble dashed ha ha ha!........ Yes Holly, these are very popular round my way as well ! :~))
3 Apr, 2010
4 Apr, 2010
It's huge and beautiful!
5 Apr, 2010
Oh my goodness!! Sugar and rice!! Your babies are just stunning!!! (They are not 'babies' any more because they are nearly teenagers :) Floribunda, they are beautiful!!! Amazing how tall and exotic they can be. Thank you, Floribunda, for taking the time and risking your life (!) to capture the image of the beauties for me. Much obliged! You know what? I bought another Cordyline Australis last Sunday, smaller one though, compared to the other three. I've got 4 now. I'm so excited!
7 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sixpence, and Uma for your comments.....Well Tommy, you have made my trip risking hyperthemia worth while with those comments lol! Can't believe the change in weather since the day of the artic freeze I took this photo on for you!! The sun has come out, the little birdies are tweeting, and I am down to just the one fleece jacket now lol! You are definitely catching Cordylinitis~ sounds pretty acute to me Tommy, Four Cordylines????? Oh boy! You are going to end up with one exotic garden my friend, tee hee hee! Word of warning though, if a really hard Winter, pull all the leaves together and wrap with fleece to protect the centre of them! Usually, our mild Winters don't really affect them, but this last one meant so many people lost their plants because they rotted. Would be better to be forewarned just in case my friend. Am so glad you loved pict though! :~)))))))X
10 Apr, 2010
wow massive tree flori - i have 1 in front garden but it has split into 2
its about 6ft in height and is going well
cheers davey
28 Apr, 2010
Hi Davey,yes,they have a tendency to branch off into more than one,and will send out a flowerhead if it is warm enough! These have been in a few years now,and the shelter of the building gives them some protection,'specially over this last winter, cos that was tough on cordylines! It will just keep going upwards Davey!!! (Hey, is this the first sensible discussion we've had??That will never do !!!) tee hee hee :~))
28 Apr, 2010
sensible as in non rubber suited hahah-ive had several flower heads of it and i had it originally at the back prior to buildiong the decking, what a job it was to dig up and move-but it took well and now is doing well.
cheers davey
28 Apr, 2010
I have heard that they can be cut right down to the trunk and will grow again,might find out as had to cut a smaller one down on the other side of my garden,as it had collasped. Well done on a successful transplant Davey!!!!
28 Apr, 2010
ty flori wot are you like about size-s
the bigger the better in pure gardening terms i add
lol davey
28 Apr, 2010
Everything has it's place davey~that's why I'm so confident there's a lock up for you somewhere tee hee hee! Apart from my trees, this is the largest plant I have in my garden,and they were only tiddlers when they went in!!!! lol :~))
28 Apr, 2010
u mean ya planted wee fishies and they grew up to be a tree how unusual
28 Apr, 2010
You barnpot!! You leave me speechless.............:~0x
28 Apr, 2010
flori a bampot is a scots term for a numpty
have u never heard of the tree fish tis when ya pppppppppppshed and been fishing and u catch zero u say i caught the tree fish
28 Apr, 2010
I learn something new every day on this site!! Am not too sure if that gentle tugging I'm feeling is just you pulling my leg in jest,or you fishing line, Davey......:~0
29 Apr, 2010
morning againf flori
me fishing ill let you my worm loves to tickle its trout and that the birds love me worm pmsllllll
davey :-)
29 Apr, 2010
Confused?? I am now! lol :~))
29 Apr, 2010
nothing unusual ther then flori -study harder girl study harder
29 Apr, 2010
Hey! I'm a mature student~I'm allowed to be confused and baffled, it's part of my curriculum ha ha ha!
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Flori - nice to meet you. I love this pic, I planted 3 of these and lost the lot due to ignorance (no protection from snow....or owner) so I now have brown dead stumps. What should I do with them? (be polite, i didnt mean to commit murder). I just love all the architectural plants, would love to try again. Do you think they might regrow or is it best to try and replant the same in the same place??? Your expertise is required..........
13 May, 2010
Hi Mh, good to meet you too! Sorry to hear that you lost your Cordylines,it's always heartbreaking when that happens :~(( Usually, our Winters are not quite as harsh as this last one,and the Green Cordylines are the hardiest ones to get,but although these two are fine,I did lose some in a pot. I have read that if you feel down the trunk until it stops being spongey,and feels firm again,cut through it at this point,and there's a chance it just might grow back again! I am trying this on one of mine that has collapsed,and can't guarentee it will work,but worth the try, even if there's a slight hope of rejuvenating it.
If you do invest in more, might be an idea to gather up the leaves and fleece them~this stops the snow and ice getting into the centres, and rotting them out.
I am no expert,Mh, but from what I hear, Cordylines and Ceanothus have both been hit badly this year. Think you were more unlucky than anything else, I hope this helps my friend! :~))
13 May, 2010
Ok thanks Flori - I'll go and have a prod and see what's what.......(ish)
14 May, 2010
Lol, Mh,I hope you find a firmer section of trunk to try this out on! If it does grow back,I think you get a really good feeling of having achieved something. If it doesn't :~(( then at least you tried and gave it your best shot my friend.
So much for all this Global Warming eh?? Lolx
14 May, 2010
Exactly! lol. There's nothing quite like a firmer bit of trunk to perk up one's day!!!! Have been too busy deck-staining today to check but certainly will tomorrow....Maybe if I sat down with it and had a 'Little Chat', a la Prince Charles, I could tell it all about my Tennis Elbow from the staining today, my Battered Shin from slipping down the step, my Creaking Knees from crocosmia dodging, my Boomerang Back, my Squinty Eye from Buddleia Branch Rebound and my Scapula Scrunch from trying to reach parts of decking that normally only the pigeons reach........... ( I WILL find a cure for that, I will, I will, I will)
14 May, 2010
And there was I trying so hard to keep this 'clean' Mh,I fear your humour is just as bad as mine lol! You have been a busy soul, haven't you? I don't know whether to pour you a drink and say 'Well Done', or rush you to Casualty instead by the sound of it! Tee hee hee! :~))
15 May, 2010
yes i lost mine this year as well did wrap the tubs but not the heads .have cut it down so i will leave and c
24 May, 2010
Hi Cristina! So many lost Cordylines this year, and although these two seem fine, my other one in the garden is looking decidedly poorly at the moment :~(( I have cut part of it down to the trunk, and just have to wait and see if any new regrowth~sorry to hear you had lost yours too :~((
25 May, 2010
ok hun will c . have u notised that davey has bin deleated
25 May, 2010
Have PM'd you Cristina :~))
26 May, 2010
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You will have some lovely flowers on that its lovely
3 Apr, 2010