Thrush sitting on her nest ....
By Amy

13 Apr, 2010
Comments on this photo
oh amy how did you manage to get this, can you see nest without climbing about. its perfect :o))
13 Apr, 2010
Lovely photo, Amy. She looks so comfortable :)
13 Apr, 2010
Great photo Amy and how exciting.
13 Apr, 2010
ahhhrrr what a great pic....and so close too..............
13 Apr, 2010
I took a stool out and stood on it ..LOL.. she stared at me , but didn't seem to bothered , I keep her well fed , she dashes to feed and then dashes back again ... ;o))
13 Apr, 2010
That is one lovely photo Amy.
13 Apr, 2010
Beautiful Amy...gone onto our favourites.......
13 Apr, 2010
Thank-you Carole and Ray .. I feel that I am the lucky one to be able to see it .. :o)
13 Apr, 2010
Talking of nesting is the state of play with the terrible trio ??
13 Apr, 2010
awww Amy, thats a lovely photo
13 Apr, 2010
Excellent pic Amy.. :o)
Was the thrush nesting in your garden last year ?
13 Apr, 2010
Thanks Eileen ...
I'm worried Ray , we haven't seen fudge since we came back from our Easter break , i'm looking out for him / her every day .. ..
Snowballs girfriend came to breakfast with him this morning after being away exactly 1 month we assume she has been sitting on a nest , she had a quick meal and away again , It would be nice if they brought the youngsters here for us to see ... .. maybe Fudge is doing the same thing , I hope so , I'll let you know if he comes back .. .. x
13 Apr, 2010
On my favourites...wonderful!
13 Apr, 2010
I didn't see it in the garden last year TT but it must have been near because it is a regular at the birds feeding stations , I might be that I just didn't spot the nest .. :o)
13 Apr, 2010
Thanks Pg .. :o)
13 Apr, 2010
Wow...Lovely shot Amy......Looks like you can get nearer the nest than I do here.....
13 Apr, 2010
I hope Fudge appears soon Amy.
13 Apr, 2010
I hope Fudge appears soon Amy.
13 Apr, 2010
Oh do let us know if/when Fudge turns up Amy...such a special friendship........x
13 Apr, 2010
Thanks Milky ,
I will let you know if Fudge returns Ray / Dawn .... perhaps he / she thinks we deserted him / her but I don't think so because Snowball stayed here the whole time we were away , we even had someone who came round to feed them so the food was still here ....... he did say he hadn't seen Fudge when I asked him ... :o(
13 Apr, 2010
Maybe Fudge felt left out and has gone for a huge sulk Amy...intending to return after the nesting...hope so..x
13 Apr, 2010
I wondered that Ray because she has special treatment , she guards her feeding spot and dosn't let other birds near it , i'm sure she would miss us talking to her as well ... I hope she is nesting somewhere ..... x
13 Apr, 2010
That's a thought Amy, she's probably just busy nest building :-) We can only hope. My special robin that ate from my hand never returned though, so sad. He disappeared a couple of days before Xmas :( I still miss him/her.
13 Apr, 2010
What a shame Dawn , that was very special , we have had a Sparrow hawk hanging about here there have been piles of feathers where the daffodils are growing twice now but they weren't Fudge feathers !
13 Apr, 2010
Our Rocky disappeared too Dawn..a new pair around now..far more timid.Seems to confirm what they say....robins only live around 2 years.....sad.........
13 Apr, 2010
Sorry to hear about the weathers Amy. I saw a patch of pigeon feathers this morning too. It is so so Sad Ray. So many predictors and the bad winters. Like you did with Rocky, fed mine mealworms twice a day, you cant do much more, can you. My robin was so lovely and faithful.
13 Apr, 2010
You are so right Dawn...feed these new ones too but it just doesnt feel the same......."Our" sparrowhawk killed a nesting female blackbird the other day...know its nature but sometimes its hard to take...........
13 Apr, 2010
so sad ray losing rocky and now lovely mrs blackbird ;o((
14 Apr, 2010
That is so sad Ray , you have reminded me that a birds life goes so quickly . Snowball has been with us 2 years this September ....
14 Apr, 2010
Any news on Fudge yet Amy ? We do become attached to them..even though they are wild.........
14 Apr, 2010
No Ray .. each day I worry more especially as we heard that some idiot up the road has been shooting pigeons because there are so many of them ... he dosn't even have a garden so I don't know why he would want to shoot them , so called sport I suppose .. :o(
14 Apr, 2010
i would report him amy, i hate people like that grrr,
15 Apr, 2010
There doesn't seem to be much they can do about it San . if they have an Air- Rifle with a licence , it's usually Rabbits or pigeons they are shooting ... .
15 Apr, 2010
thats shocking amy,,;o(
15 Apr, 2010
Hate the sound of gunfire.Often on a Sunday morning we are just enjoying the garden and wildlife,when the shooting starts in the fields half a mile away.We always wonder what poor creature has been on the receiving called sport...
15 Apr, 2010
It Is San. :o(
We can hear the guns here as well Ray , it's awful in the pheasant shooting season especiallyif we haven't seen our Pheasant Fred for a day ! ..
Anyway , something exciting has happened today , I came into the kitchen and was watching Snowballs strange behaviour , he was going in and out of the nesting box that Tony had made for him when he first arrived , that was strange because he dosn't normally go in it he usually just sits on top of it , after quite some time his ladyfriend came out of the box .. she had been in it all the time .. they were billing and cooing on the doorstep and other naughty things .. .. it looks as if they will be using that nesting box after all .. ..I'm beginning to wonder if the new girlfriend drove Fudge away , I had seen her giving him pecks at times ... ... I let some pans boil over watching all this ...LOL..
15 Apr, 2010
Oh lovely for you...and them ! You will have a "birds eye " view of all the nesting activity too. Poor Fudge...had a feeling that may have been what happened.We can only hope Fudge returns after the breeding season to resume their friendship ! x
15 Apr, 2010
I hope so Ray , or he has something of his own going on ... maybe you are right and everything will return to normal after the season ... isn't nature wonderful ...
Oh another thing , the Thrush was having a good feed so I took the opportunity to dash to the nest to see if I could see the eggs or young , when I got there , there was a thrush on the nest ! so do they take it in turns or is there another nest ?
15 Apr, 2010
They usually take turns least our pair of mistle thrushes did last year...You certainly have such a lot going on in your garden !
15 Apr, 2010
Thanks for that Ray , that means I can't be sneaky and peep while one is away ...LOL..
15 Apr, 2010
LOL...happy viewing Amy !
15 Apr, 2010
I hate shooting too Amy/Ray. Lots of it goes on around here too. I hate the way the birds fly for cover at the sound and then there's silence, all the singing stops.
15 Apr, 2010
As if the wildlife hasnt had enough to cope with this winter Dawn..without being blasted out of the sky or ground as soon as things are looking up.Makes us so angry !
15 Apr, 2010
Me too Ray/Jane: How can such people get enjoyment out of killing the innocent birds. They must live very knaive lives if they call it sport.
15 Apr, 2010
Some folks just dont care Dawn.We had a pair of beautiful pheasants in our
garden yesterday..only wish they would least they would be safe here.
15 Apr, 2010
If only we could protect them all
15 Apr, 2010
We can only do our best many of us try...and the wildlife seem to know it...
15 Apr, 2010
I'm sure they do know Ray / Dawn ...thats why we have so many in our gardens and why they stay , it's a mini safe haven for them .. ...
15 Apr, 2010
It is Amy..thats why they flock to us in their numbers..especially in winter,when they need us the most.Off to bed now...night night x
15 Apr, 2010
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Lovely picture Amy :-))
13 Apr, 2010