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For The Cottage Gardener....


By Gee19

For The Cottage Gardener....

...a photo of my little VB seedlings.

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VB? Gee

17 Apr, 2010


Verbena Bonariensis I think .. I've got tiny seedlings coming through .. in the paving cracks as well as the garden ! Medium size plant with lovely little lilac/mauve flowers.

17 Apr, 2010


thanx for that megan ;o)

18 Apr, 2010


Thanks Sanbaz - whatever our seelings are, they are much smaller than this yet (only about 1") oval, glossy dark green leaves - don't have a clue what they are but we potted up about 20 to see what they become. Definately no new growth on last years plants so I guess they must have died in the frost. :o)

18 Apr, 2010


think you mean Gee,, cottageg.... ;o))

18 Apr, 2010


Oops, I did Sanbaz - sorry both. :o)

18 Apr, 2010


lol ;o))

18 Apr, 2010


Thats much further on than mine Gee but not complaining as I have 2 trays full which are all coming on nicely!

18 Apr, 2010


Wouldn't be without

19 Apr, 2010


I think I have lost most of my VB that did survive. If it would rain a bit they might pop up in the crevices. Otherwise I have to start again.

22 Apr, 2010


Thanks Dorjac - I guess it's just been a bad winter & I'll need to start again also.

23 Apr, 2010


I tested the VBs where a I left a 2 foot shoot protected with a cane topper, and they seemed firm in the ground, so there's hope yet. If it would just rain a bit overnight. It is slowly dawning that some plants, like my old thornless blackberry ,even, did not like this cold winter. Several canes didn't make it through. Some of them were new growths too.

23 Apr, 2010

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