Ooooh Look my Plumeria is waking up.......
By Milky

24 Apr, 2010
I am so excited.....The green nobbly bit in the middle is where the flowers will come ......Lol
Comments on this photo
Yes Sandra it does too, but they are sticky I am so pleased its branching out thpugh as you can see its nearly to the top of the greenhouse....after that Im in trouble Lol
24 Apr, 2010
Or something out of Doctor Who!!
24 Apr, 2010
what will you do then maureen, can you cut it back at all ?
25 Apr, 2010
Was going to say it looks like a big claw....
25 Apr, 2010
I think that I shall have to take some advice on it Sandra. If I cant then I shall have to see about some soil warming cable and matbe bury it down a bit in the greenhouse border But once its branched , as its doing now I should be able to rake a cutting I think.....I hope......Lol Yes Clarice they do look like claws
25 Apr, 2010
Your Guide to Pruning Plumeria
Plumeria is one of those stunning bushes that can sometimes grow out of control, and while more blossoms simply add to the strength of the frangipani’s fragrance, it can certainly wreak havoc on the design on your garden.
When raising of one of these divine-smelling bushes, it’s important to exercise proper plumeria care. The soil should be well-drained to avoid root rot and the bush should recieve full sun. It is also important to keep them pruned.
It’s best to prune your plumeria in the spring, before the first bloom, and as needed thereafter. These plants are hardy, and can handle even the most severe prunings if given enough time afterwards to heal and grow into it.
Use a good set of pruning shears to prune the branches on your plant. You may want to use a 2-handed configuration when you prune, depending on how large your plumeria has grown. When you prune your plumeria shrubs, keep the plant tight. Also, keep in mind as you prune that you should remove any dead branches or debris in the plant to discourage any fungi, bugs or bacteria. You will know when you cut too far when your plumeria shrub’s branches are too thick to cut without a ton of effort. It’s best to cut around the general shape of the bush, but for aesthetic purposes, you can choose a shape that better suits your taste and the style of your garden.
Read more:
25 Apr, 2010
thought this may help maureen ;o)
25 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sandra it does.....They arent hardy over here though....They are a tropical, and they can rot so easily. All summer I "fry" it in the greenhouse, but have got to be so careful in winter. They dont like below 12/13 degrees at all.....Anyway...Im praying for flower and then after that, we shall see......Lol
26 Apr, 2010
glad it helped maureen ;o))
26 Apr, 2010
Your Plumeria is looking very healthy!
In a pot Plumeria doesn't grow as quickly as in the ground. You saw photos of my plants in pots verses the ones in the ground. The Plumeria trees in pot unusually stay around 7 feet/ 3.5 meters tall or smaller...and the ones in the ground can grow to 20 feet/ 6.1 meters tall with the same spread.
27 Apr, 2010
Thanks Andy for that information......Lets hope this one slows down a bit soon.....
28 Apr, 2010
You're welcome! : > )
28 Apr, 2010
OH has seeded one of these dont think we will have to worry about it getting too big as it is only 2ins high lol
3 May, 2010
Dont you believe it Dotty...once they get going they grow very fast......
4 May, 2010
Oh dear more
4 May, 2010
Ha ha panic......Mine is now 4 years old and its growing about a foot a year.......Lol so you have got time to raise the roof....
5 May, 2010
Needs a good pruning me thinks :-) .
....................................................I have mysecateurs at the ready
11 May, 2010
Have you got a death wish Davey? Old sleeping Partner, who is snoring accross the room has said something similar, and git the wrath of my tongue....ha ha ha .......As the incredible Hulk alway said "You wouldnt like me when Im angry" Lol he he he ......
12 May, 2010
Im guessing you turn would have to be a covert job in cover of night - did I tell you I am ex SAS :-)
15 May, 2010
Ha ha ha and Im Jackie Chan in disguise Lol
16 May, 2010
Looks a bit like the ""Loch Ness Monster", wondered where it had got to. lol
24 May, 2010
Its in my Greenhouse Andy.....Lol
25 May, 2010
Its wonderful Maureen something completely different can't wait to see the flower.
25 May, 2010
Thanks 6d nor can I ....Love the new Avatar....Miss Poppy you should be...Lol
26 May, 2010
26 May, 2010
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looks like crab claws maureen
24 Apr, 2010