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scene from hitchcock


By Sanbaz

scene from hitchcock

im fed up with all the pigeons, its gone from about 5/6 to well you try counting them, my birds dont get a look in anymore ;o(

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Tell me about it, they've decimated my newly planted broccoli, cabbage and kale plants!

26 Apr, 2010


At least I only get 2 or 3 in the garden at any one time.

26 Apr, 2010


Be like Trafalgar Square soon Sandra !!!

26 Apr, 2010


oh noo karen arent they a pest dont care where they tread grrr
lucky you Tog,,
tell me about it ray, and i fed up with cleaning up poop lol

26 Apr, 2010


Trouble is you cant pick and choose Sandra...we get lots of wood pigeons and they even nest here ! They find their own level though.....Lol

26 Apr, 2010


your right ray but not seeing my little birds much at the moment unless its because they are nesting, doves still with me though and mr and mrs blackbird,, ow and the song thrush, not seen robin in a few days

26 Apr, 2010


Think you are right Sandra....only see ours when they pop in to feed..and then just for a short time.All busy nesting both in our garden and in churchyard next door.Just you wait a week or two when the fledglings start appearing !!

26 Apr, 2010


cant wait will have to really watch when i let casper out then ray, i try to wait till after birds have fed or when im out there to, ;o(

26 Apr, 2010


You may have some casualties Sandra...its their nature..but sure you will do your best to "police " him !!!

26 Apr, 2010


i know your right but i know it will upset me so much if i find a baby dead, but it is nature as you say and i cant tell him off, wouldnt listen anyway, i will give him an asbo lol

26 Apr, 2010


Lol...its a harsh world out there Sandra.Some make it others dont....

26 Apr, 2010


yes your right ray ;o(

26 Apr, 2010


They are so greedy arn't they? I just wave my arms at them and they clear off......

26 Apr, 2010


i do to but look like a mad women lol, now i have half a coke bottle and crackle it, that works, but they always come back ;o(

26 Apr, 2010


I'm the same San , it's so annoying to see them gobble up so much food , I have tried knocking on the window with a knife to frighten them but they soon get use to that all it's doing is frightening the regulars and I don't want that ...

I have found my nest of Thrushes dead , 4 babies and an egg .. I saw a pair of Jays hassling the bush last week I think mum was frightened off , she didn't come back ....

26 Apr, 2010


oh amy thats so sad, poor babies ;o(

26 Apr, 2010


It is isn't it .. the thrushes still come to feed so I wonder if they will try again somewhere !

26 Apr, 2010


maybe, i guess it happens alot amy, and not to late for them to try again

26 Apr, 2010


I have a similar problem with Jackdaws and Crows, Sanbaz. I do chase them away and then stand over the food while my 'regulars' have their fill :)

26 Apr, 2010


Poor Mr and Mrs Thrush. Last year, when our house martin nest crashed to the ground with six babies in....I didn't see it happen but I wondered if perhaps a crow or a seagull had 'bombed' it to get the babies. I once saw a seagull dive bomb and kill a wounded pidgeon in the city centre. It was horrible to see but that's nature......

27 Apr, 2010


its a real pain Gee i keep chasing them but as soon as my back is turned they bully the doves and smaller birds away ;o(
karen thats awfull, i would have cried if seen that, i cried when sparrowhawk took a bird in front of me in garden, was so sad, even though its nature i dont like to see it happen.

27 Apr, 2010


yup, I agree. My daughter and I saw it happen from a cafe window and we were both really upset. She can't have been more than about 12 when it happened, poor Rachel!

27 Apr, 2010


aww yes poor rachel, must have be froghtening for her.

27 Apr, 2010


It was distressing - especially as we were on third floor so couldn't even chase it off! Then last year when the house martins nest fell in the front garden and all the babies were scattered on the lawn...and Rachel found that as well! I guess she must have a pretty 'realistic' view of nature by now! I'm just glad she's not living here now the blue tits have installed themselves!! Something is sure to go wrong!!

27 Apr, 2010


i do hope not karen, keep a close eye on them ;

27 Apr, 2010


It would do my head in all them, you'd think looking at that photo you live in middle of town not a village.

27 Apr, 2010


i know carol the only thing is they arent quite as dirty looking than the ones in town, but a real pest, im fed up with them now ;o(

27 Apr, 2010


dont know how you get rid of them except not to put food out for them, is there an allotment or any thing near you, as i've been told they go round them alot, dont know if its true or not..

27 Apr, 2010


no neatrest is newton drive not far from hospital carol, maybe its all the fields, really dont know,ive tried all sorts but i have to feed the birds but dont put loose food on flat feeders anymore,,

27 Apr, 2010


Dont blame you.

27 Apr, 2010


I have the same problem San,not as many,they take the seeds dropped by the smaller birds on the feeders.I don't put any seed on the actual table either.
The collared doves were a bit miffed to begin with but they see the ground as theirs now and scare off the pigeons.
The thing I am annoyed about is I bought some seed with 25% off,now I know why ! It's been bulked out with corn type seeds which pigeons love :((

27 Apr, 2010


yes i notice that in cheaper seed aster, my poor doves get bullied off the table, i go out and scare pigeons and luckerly the doves realise and stay to eat while they are gone, i sometimes wonder if i can get enviramentle health to get them but then i feel cruel if they kill them ;o(

27 Apr, 2010


Luckily ours are very wary for now so easily scared off.The thing is we now have a blackbird nest very close to the house and bird table so don't want to go out flapping our arms every few minutes lol !
They seem to notice when it's their favourite seed mix,I'll go back to the more expensive one :( I suppose in this case you do get what you pay for !!

27 Apr, 2010


let us know how it goes aster,

27 Apr, 2010


Will do San,the seed is rapidly being used up just now,must be all the energy going into nesting :)
Just put a pic on of the eggs :)

27 Apr, 2010


ok going to look

27 Apr, 2010


Wow....what a coo.....!!


27 Apr, 2010


im going to scream soon Dan, even casper cant frighten them off lol

27 Apr, 2010



Love em all........isn't it?!! LoL

27 Apr, 2010


lol i dont care about that saying Dan,, you almost made me swear then hahaha

27 Apr, 2010


I wonder if one of those fake hawk model things would be any good? or perhaps it would scare the little birds away as well.
OR... you could get a real hawk! imagine the pigeons faces! %>

27 Apr, 2010


Lmao San!! Poor little pigeons. All they want is some you and them time and you rebuff their requests......:0)))

STOOOOOP! No swearing!!

27 Apr, 2010


lol Dan,, hahah ;o))

27 Apr, 2010

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