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Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride'

Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' (Exochorda x macrantha (Pearl bush) 'The Bride')

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This is a beauty!

1 May, 2010


I absolutely love this shrub and look forward to its flowers every year :)

1 May, 2010


Thanks, Bernie - and Grindle, I do agree! I wish I'd been able to plant it on bank or over a wall, though, to 'show off' the flowers better!

1 May, 2010


Aharr! - "pearl bush"! :-)

1 May, 2010


YAY!! it's in flower!!! :-)))))

1 May, 2010


This has gone straight into my Favs, Spritz~beautiful! :~))

1 May, 2010


you cud grow veg in the flower beds thats how a proper cottage garden works. in the olden days lol .

1 May, 2010


Yes, Cristina, you're right - this garden wouldn't have had any flowers when the house was built - it might have had a pig, some hens and veggies, as well as herbs.

I like it better as it is, though! :-)))

Thanks, Flori. x

1 May, 2010


I couldn't agree more Spritz. Your garden is stunning in the extreme.

2 May, 2010


Thanks, Toto - you're very kind - I'll definitely 'pass' on the pig now you've said that!!

2 May, 2010

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This photo is of "Exochorda 'The Bride'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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