AV Table Begins
By Greenthumb
- 1 May, 2010
The big AV and the frosted one have open blooms and three others have buds on the move. Sometimes the table blooms all summer but not always. I hope this is a good one.
Comments on this photo
LOL! I should have linked it to my garden last night to attach the name. I was so tired. Working at a greenhouse doing custom orders! Love it and I'm exhausted every day. :-)
1 May, 2010
Oh that's good....work that you enjoy, great!
1 May, 2010
Agreed, Not well paid, but its seasonal for now and I do love it. :-) Thanks. I've got some shots to load of my first boxes and baskets. I get to design and plant 20-30 baskets each day!
1 May, 2010
What a stunning plant! It looks very healthy!
2 May, 2010
Thank you. It took a year to start blooming and now blooms 2-3 times a year! :-) I must divide it soon though, the other side is blooming just like this also.
2 May, 2010
You're the king of the African Violets! LOL! : > ) I've never seen anyone grow them so excellently!
3 May, 2010
Thank you Andy! They seem to just thrive but I seldom find anything that gets sad around here.....lol.
3 May, 2010
You certainly have a great growing environment for your plants! I have the horrible time with indoor plants...most always seem to get some type of bug. Luckily, in my climate all the plants can be grown outside all year.
3 May, 2010
There is always something. I got a new plant the other day that introduced something. The heliotrope upstairs seems to get everything, but that keeps bugs from everything else, so I just maintain that plant best I can and the others stay clean. Basil works to attract them so it can be used to move infestation from the others and you can just toss the basil.
4 May, 2010
That's very true! I keep a few indoor plants...the ones that are most pest-resistant. Some still get bugs every so often...then they get thrown outside -- most of the time that will take care of the problem.
Heliotrope gets a lot of spider mites here. Sweet basil growing in the garden gets a few bugs...however, it can grow very large (to 6 feet tall) and lives for 2 years.
5 May, 2010
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Oh,,,,now I understand..they are African Violets!! I thought it was some amazing new double flowered viola!!
1 May, 2010