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Angel Trumpet Lilies


By Odianao

Angel Trumpet Lilies

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Hi - I was given a twig by a guy in a nursery; I stuck it in a pot and it grew large for 3 months. Suddenly blooms like this appeared, but they fall off pretty quickly. Don't know too much about it ... can you share some info. I'm new. Thanks.

3 May, 2008


SandAndSurf - I also am a transplant from the appalachians (Northern Kentucky) to Charleston SC. You do not have the occasional yearly winter frosts that we do, but tropical gardening is wonderful. Year round blossoms! This plant is called Angel Trumpet Lily. It is supposed to be poisonous if eaten too much, and I've been told by a friend who owns a small nursery, that teenagers sometimes try to break in to get some of it to get 'high'. I have not tried that (as yet) ;-), but even though the blossoms are short lived, the plant grows so fast that there is always another group ready. Kinda like ladies in waiting? I understand they grow to 8 feet tall and I am looking forward to that. Mine is about 3 ft at this point. They come in yellow as well. And the fragrance is divine. This picture was taken this week.

3 May, 2008


ha,ha,ha ... my teenagers are all grown up, thank goodness. :0) Thank you for the great info ... I have to re-think when I plant ... what I use to love may not do so well in this area ... so I'll learning. Mine is exactly like yours ... I was amazed at how fast that twig grew in a pot ... I removed it and planted it in the ground. I hope it does well there. I would hate to lose it because it really is beautiful. Thanks again Odianao ... and have a great day!

3 May, 2008


Datura I believe. I tried them with great success as something of a novelty early on when creating my gardens but they did suffer somewhat in the winds at my location. But for all that your photo has once more sparked my interest and perhaps I should give them a second chance. After all my garden has evolved a great deal since. So thanks for this photo Odianao and well done!

29 May, 2008


I've just snipped off 2 branches from my mom's plant and stuck them in water ...hopefully they will root and I can transplant them in the garden next spring. Odianao - do you trim yours in the fall or do you wait until the spring?

22 Nov, 2009

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