Zebra Grass IS growing!
- 2 May, 2010
Not an exciting photo I know, but I thought this was one of my plants I had lost to the winter cold. But today I spotted this small shoot of new growth. So pleased!
Comments on this photo
I think they are very hardy, PG. Mine sits in water all winter long and still shoots up each spring! I want to move it this year and divide it a bit but will need help :)
2 May, 2010
Good to see another survivor !
2 May, 2010
I thought they were hardy, but it seemed to show no signs of being alive.
I know things are later this year, but thought this had gone.
I hope the Hebe next to it in the tub puts out new growth now, there's not a leaf on it!
2 May, 2010
ah, those famous green shoots of recovery Potty!
2 May, 2010
2 May, 2010
I divided my Zebra Grass, with help from OH, both new plants thriving.
2 May, 2010
It has Homebird, several of mine still look dead, but I keep hanging on in hope!
3 May, 2010
Am so glad this seems to have made it, Pg!!! :-))
3 May, 2010
....have spotted another couple of blades today....but still no sign of life on it's neighbour ~ the Hebe.
4 May, 2010
I feel like this about several fuchsias too, back from the dead. Mean Mummy (me) never manages really to protect them from frosts. Tough love. lol
5 May, 2010
After nearly a year at this gardening lark, I have realised time and again how nature 'has a way' of coming good. Many times, I've been on the verge of ditching a plant and suddenly, right down low, a tiny growth and I think.....WOW, I nearly threw that and now it's back! Plus, everything seems twice as nice this year:0))
May not be an exciting picture but the subject matter more than covers that base, don't you think PG?
Keep us posted as I'll be hoping to 'cross' this again....zebra....? Groooooan!
23 May, 2010
Thanks OB, yes I felt the subject was exciting. I posted it as a Yee-Hah moment and hopefully encouragement for others finding plants were slow to shoot.
However, everything else in the large pot this is in has failed....when I look back at last years photo it is sad. :o( So, I have decided to re-pot it and clear the pot out and plant something else.
I will put a posting on here, so you can earn your stripes OB....Hahahaha......
23 May, 2010
Lol!! Very good!
It's a shame when they don't look as good as last year but there is so much more happening else where out there to keep you enthralled that I find experience tells me to relish in the good and try something else where other bits have failed. I find it all very exciting and growing stuff from seed this year has been a highlight for me and it meant I was able to pass on a tray of Cosmos Seashell and French Marigold today to my sister who popped by with a belated birthday present for me. She was gobsmacked that I had grown it allfrom seed and was chuffed as they had Cosmos last year and wanted it this year so i have saved them a few quid by giving them mine!!
It's a good life......
23 May, 2010
Well done you, I never was much good at growing from seed, even when I had a greenhouse and all the stuff! I did better with plug plants and growing on. My children had their own veg patches and they did well with everything! Nice to show off to your Sister, she'll have you growing more for her now you've discovered your green fingers!
I have some seeds from Milky that I am trying, Climbing Petunias. Still very small yet. I also planted some Coriander seed but it will not germinate!! Grrr
2 attempts now, with 2 different lots of seed!! Last year I got some seeds out of my kitchen cupboard and shoved them in a pot, at the sheer frustration of bought plants being naff! And I ended up with a big pot of the stuff! Used cupboard seed this year but a different result! Oh well....
23 May, 2010
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Nice to see new life on plants we thought had died over winter :o)
2 May, 2010