Prunus Stella .Thanks to Drbob.
By Bonkersbon

3 May, 2010
Small cherry tree planted following advice from Drbob.
Comments on this photo
how big will it grow ray, i saw a weeping one i quite liked, wish i had got it now
3 May, 2010
Aye Eileen .. so expensive nearly £10 ! My Amelanchier tree was £3 and Wisteria £5 ..Yorkshire getting a pricey place to live ..
Grows to about 15 ft max Sandra we particularly wanted a fruiting one and Drbob said this was a good variety with rich dark cherries. Its self fertile so doesnt need another tree to pollenate so ideal for limited spaces.
I think weeping varieties are mainly ornamental and dont fruit so much or at all but blossom is lovely.
3 May, 2010
Sounds like you got some good advice there BB....cherry pie all round then? :o)
3 May, 2010
thanx for info ray ;o)
3 May, 2010
Welcome Sandra..the blossom is pure white by the way !
Pottyg....hopefully next year !
3 May, 2010
okidoki ray
3 May, 2010
Nice tree.
4 May, 2010
Good morning Ray, just found your photo, have been wondering if you had managed to buy one. It looks very good, the blossom will be beautiful, it is just the right size to start with. You will need a rabbit's tail (if you can get one), on a cane to set the flowers, lots of liquid feed through the summer, good old Tomarite, and a pinch of Epson salts. Mulch round with leafy compost. You could plant some Alysum round it to keep the roots cool.
4 May, 2010
That looks good Ray .. what makes me think that you are thinking of the birds to have a cherry tree ... they will love it ... :o)
4 May, 2010
Lovely little tree, BB. it will look lovely laden with blossom and then cherries.
4 May, 2010
Nice little tree.
4 May, 2010
Thanks for kind comments ..yes Amy blackbirds already forming disorderly queues and Mary the Parrot loves them too ..
Thanks for further advice Drbob yes have a rabbits tail but still attached to rabbit Jane came home to find me with a cane holding rabbit ...
4 May, 2010
Hi Ray/Jane, sorry not spoken for a while. Sorry to say, when I was a child, my Dad used a rabbit's tail on a cane to pollunate his tomatoes. Please cover your bunny's ears when reading this :-)
4 May, 2010
Lol Dawn....She is 13 years old and wouldnt take the shock of hearing all this !Spent the winter in our kitchen in her hutch when the temps started to fall really low....dont think she would have survived otherwise ......
4 May, 2010
Aww bless, I've never heard of a rabbit living so long, thanks to you pair.
Im sure she wouldnt have survived outside the safety of your kitchen through the horrid Winter. What about Dr Bob's tortoise, she's amazing, in her 40's. x
4 May, 2010
Thats amazing isnt it....tortoises can live to an incredible age !
Hun is very doddery now but soldiering on..and still loves to feel the sun on her back...she loves dandelions...plenty in this garden for her ! x
4 May, 2010
She's gorgeous, she's amazing. We all love to feel the sun Jane/Ray, but not this month I fear.
PS. If you run out of dandelions I can mail you some.
4 May, 2010
LOL Thanks Dawn...rain check on that one !!! By the way...the teasels are taking off big time this year..whole bank on them at top of garden.Will take a pic at some stage !
4 May, 2010
I was thinking the other day when I checked mine if yours were OK. That's great news for the goldfinches.
4 May, 2010
4 May, 2010
Poor Hun, thank goodness she can't read, I didn't realise that when I wrote it. There must be a strange rabbit around somewhere who wouldn't mind parting with it's tail. Lol.
Nice to see you around Dawn, haven't spoken for a while, hope you are all well.
4 May, 2010
You will have some wonderful blossom to look forward to.
4 May, 2010
We have hundreds of Rabbits outside our gate all waiting to break in , i'll keep my eyes open to see if they drop a tail anywhere .. :o))
5 May, 2010
A ladies blusher brush will polinate, tis what most gardeners use nowadays.
5 May, 2010
Lol..Doctorbob and Amy !
Interesting Sixpence............
5 May, 2010
I first heard of it on a gardening tv program
5 May, 2010
Now I see the connection: Bunny tail - Cherry tree.
Thats a good age for a rabbit, we call them, "Underground Mutton" in Australia. It's OK, Hun is safe in England.
5 May, 2010
Oh Tanny...Huns ears tightly covered to that one !!!
Sixpence...knew they used paintbrushes...same thing really...womens warpaint ! Lol
5 May, 2010
lol yes dress to kill is that what they say.!!
5 May, 2010
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it will be flowering before you know it BB
3 May, 2010