another view
By Sanbaz

4 May, 2010
from kitchen window
Comments on this photo
Looks lovely Sandra -very neat and tidy :-)
4 May, 2010
yes it is holly thats why i have to do them twice cause im not looking at the plates lol ;o)
thankyou richard been out all afternoon doing bits and bobs,:o)
4 May, 2010
thats really beautiful San, you must be so proud of the garden, love your furniture
4 May, 2010
thanx yorkshire, ive just given the little lad next door two canes and garden string for his runner beans he got at school, his dad was out and complemented me on the garden, he saw it before i moved in hahah, glad you like furniture i got it from wilkinsons two years ago ;o)
4 May, 2010
Nice place to stand and be noisy
4 May, 2010
beautifully kept and stunning view to top it all :-)
4 May, 2010
lol carol,, im always watching the birds, cant see anything else ;o)
im a summer gardener Gina, so alot to do once weather gets nice, but doesnt take long, my grass is full of weeds this year, put weed and feed on but it hasnt touched it, so just keep it short lol
4 May, 2010
lovely garden Sandra
4 May, 2010
thankyou eileen ;o))
4 May, 2010
Lovely neat garden Sandra.....
4 May, 2010
Oh how I wish my garden looked this tidy!! What a lovely view you have, San, your garden looks an absolute treat! :~))
4 May, 2010
Looking lovely Sandra worth all your hard work! it looks quite long, how big is it?
4 May, 2010
Well done to you both looks great.....
4 May, 2010
thankyou so much flori,carole and dotty ;o))
its about 70ft carole but never enough space, im going to make a circle next in lawn and hope to get a tree as you know.
5 May, 2010
Think that will look really good, San, do you know what tree you are going to get yet?
5 May, 2010
i keep looking flori but havent a clue, i saw a weeping cherry the other day which was lovely but the women was thick to say the least lol, i asked how big it would grow but because there wasnt a tag she didnt know, Doh! i could look at a tag myself, she didnt seem to want to go find out so i left, i really liked it to
5 May, 2010
Lovely garden Sanbaz....So neat and tidy :-)
6 May, 2010
thankyou cazzalyn ;o))
6 May, 2010
LOL..sandra.... my kitchen faces the front to the road so not so nice to look at....
6 May, 2010
thats a shame holly and unusual ;o))
6 May, 2010
My kitchen sink faces a stone wall Holly~so not very interesting to say the least! lol. Hope you get your tree sorted in the end, San. It is worth taking your time, getting the right one that will suit the area.
I joked with my OH the other day that if he left me alone in Homebase, I just might end up buying another tree............Well, what can I say? It was a 2nd Burgundy Kanzan........It was£12.99.........and as Odd always says......the voices spoke to me! lol!. Hubby loaded it through gritted teeth, but I did tell him through the back ot the car would be so much easier!! Tee hee hee......:~))
6 May, 2010
lol flori, must look that up and see what you got,,you need to get some wall art for looking at when at kitchen window, a nice garden pic ;o))
nite flori im off now so tired im making mistakes and having to redo lol ;o)) x
6 May, 2010
Perfect view for a perfect garden. Wish ours was that big!
8 May, 2010
thanx steve i love it, rather be out there than inside ;o))
8 May, 2010
Deffo hun. Your bleeding hearts look wicked along with the rest of your garden in your blog pic.
8 May, 2010
cheers for that steve, makes my day with such nice comments ;o)
8 May, 2010
Always nice to have nice comments with your hard work. You've gave me enough compliments about my garden so nice to return. Just flicking through your pics as we speak.
8 May, 2010
cheers steve ;o))
8 May, 2010
my old house had a kitchen that faced a stone side wall Floribunda... washing up wa sso boring... : O ))
9 May, 2010
yes it nice to have a good view when washing dishes isnt it holly
9 May, 2010
The only window I have in the kitchen looks out at the side of a road~it is frosted,(Window, not road lol) but has really restricted light,not the most exciting view either Holly lol :~((
10 May, 2010
oh dear flori, not good either ;o(
10 May, 2010
These little victorian cottagers were built for the Canal workers way back in 1850, so guess views were not the most important part of them~lol, and the traffic has increased a bit since then,come to think of it!! Tee hee hee :~))
10 May, 2010
your right they didnt care much for views, to busy scrubbing doorsteps haha and running after their hubbys, we are lucky really with all the mod cons flori ;o)
10 May, 2010
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a nice view when your washing up.. : O ))
4 May, 2010