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Lithodora 'Heavenly Blue'

Lithodora 'Heavenly Blue' (Lithodora diffusa (Lithodora))

It walks around, but it's worth having in the garden for its colour.

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7 May, 2010



7 May, 2010


I like this plant and took a couple of cuttings from a friends on. Both cuttings rooted but they are not big enough to flower yet. Maybe next year.

8 May, 2010


Mine sends out runners, which root themselves into the gravel path!

8 May, 2010


It's one of those plants that is so blue you can't resist it! Although so far I have because in the past I have lost these.

8 May, 2010


I 'may' be able to rescue one if you'd like me to have a try?

8 May, 2010


No please don't B. It's very kind of you, but I've tried and they just don't like me. I think it might be the acid soil, or just the cold....

8 May, 2010


I didn't know that they produced runners, I hope mine do.

9 May, 2010


OK, Karen. :-(( Yes, Toto, so do I!

9 May, 2010


is this a sunny or shady lady?

10 May, 2010


It's facing west - the one I planted facing east isn't doing well at all. RHS book says 'full sun and acid soil'!!!

Remind me to teach mine that it shouldn't be thriving!

10 May, 2010


It is a such an intense blue, no wonder it's called heavenly, lovely lovely flowers.
I saw this plant in my next door neighbours garden last year, and I just knew I had to have one, so went out and bought one. It is now in my terraced garden and getting adjusted in there. Hopefully by next year it will hang over the wooden sleeper and look as good as yours.

13 May, 2010


It should do, Titchy...:-)

13 May, 2010

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This photo is of "Lithodora 'Heavenly Blue'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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