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My thug - 'John Coutts'

My thug - 'John Coutts' (Centaurea hypoleuca)

He travels underground and comes up at the other side of the border!

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Gosh! I wouldn't mind a bit of a thug like this!

11 May, 2010


I ab-so-lute-ly will NOT inflict him on anyone! He's a menace - trust me! He might be a pretty thug, but thug he is. :-(((

11 May, 2010


I dont care I still like him......

11 May, 2010


I like him too :)

12 May, 2010


We have the same problem with them too.

12 May, 2010


SIGH....thank goodness someone else knows his real character!

How do 'you' deal with him, Meanie? I get my long-bladed trowel, and poke it down as far as possible, to 'yank' out pieces that appear away from the main clump. I have resorted to weedkiller on occasion!

His flowers are beautiful, I grant you, but when we came here, he was trying to take over the whole of the top border - no chance!

12 May, 2010


He can wander here any time - they flower for such a long time. I like all the centaureas - I think :-)))

12 May, 2010


Guess sometimes, Spritz, we just like the bad :~))

12 May, 2010


You'd need a HUGE garden, or else he'd choke your other plants. Bad boy? I should say so! :-((((

12 May, 2010


Right B! I'll not bother with this thug then! lamium is bad enough!

12 May, 2010


John's roots go to Australia, too, unlike Lamium!

12 May, 2010


Ours is the common blue one, c. montana I believe (there is a photo of it on my page). It gets treated the same as yours, hoiked out! Can't say trhat we've resorted to weedkiller yet though!
This year we've tossed some Eschscholzia seeds amongst them as ours is an early bloomer & they appreciate the shelter. As they near flowering, we can just execute the cornflowers for another year!

12 May, 2010


I have that - it does spread, doesn't it! Luckily, it's not bad getting it out, though. Not like John....Grrrrrrrr......

12 May, 2010

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This photo is of species Centaurea hypoleuca.

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This photo is of "Centaurea hypoleuca 'John Coutts'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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