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Nepeta racemosa

Nepeta racemosa (Nepeta racemosa (Catmint))

I grew these from seed a couple of years ago..

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I do like these, I think we still have one left somewhere......

20 May, 2010


Does your cat like it too DD?

21 May, 2010


Thank goodness the neighbourhood cats leave my Nepetas alone! I have a few of them due to the good germination....not all the same, though. :-)))

21 May, 2010


My cats eats some Nepeta every day an d rolls on it - must be beneficial in some way?

21 May, 2010


It has a pheromone which causes playfulness and relaxation, seems a bit of an anomaly to me ! My cat has destroyed 1 Nepeta plant in a border so now I have one in a pot which she rubs against.

21 May, 2010


Dont have any cats now Drc they used to love it......

21 May, 2010


hope my cat leves it alone

24 May, 2010


I am growing Nepeta Subsessilis from seed...hope they are as successful as this!

27 May, 2010


I seem to remember growing that too....I 'do' have quite a lot of Nepeta in the garden - and I grew all of them from seed except 'Six Hills Giant'.

27 May, 2010


i have the six giant .love it .is this wot they call cat mint

29 May, 2010


Yes - Nepeta's common name is 'Catmint', Cristina.

29 May, 2010

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This photo is of "Nepeta racemosa" in Spritzhenry's garden

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