The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Phytolacca americana

Phytolacca americana (Phytolacca americana)

Why did I plant this at the back of a border? Because it's a fascinating fast-growing plant, which will seed itself if I don't cut off the berries.

Comments on this photo :o))

30 May, 2010


My RHS book says it will get to between 4 and 8 feet tall!!!!!!!!!! Heehee...

30 May, 2010


Giving you plenty of scope then

30 May, 2010


That's a reason for trying something new, isn't it! ;-D

30 May, 2010


Doesn't smell very nice, either.....according to Gardeners World. Another good reason for it being at the back, lol.

31 May, 2010


Really? I wonder if that's when the flowers open, Wagger. Anyway, it's planted and although it's not a beautiful plant, it can be a 'talking point', can't it! Haha - now I have to learn its latin name in case anyone asks!!!

31 May, 2010


Hey,,,,,,,that will impress the

31 May, 2010


What - the smell of it? LOL.

31 May, 2010 learning the latin case anyone asks.........:o))))))))))))))

1 Jun, 2010


It's better than the common name for this plant, anyway - Haha.

1 Jun, 2010


I can just imagine it sneaking up behind you and jabbing you in the ribs, lol.

1 Jun, 2010


which is?..................

1 Jun, 2010


Not saying, Alice..........Wagger obviously knows!!! Hahaha....

1 Jun, 2010


Parsons whatsit....something like that I expect......I will find :-o)))))))))))))))))

1 Jun, 2010


Could be someones bonnet of ages past.......::o-)))))

1 Jun, 2010


Completely and utterly on the wrong track, Alice! Try a google....or does anyone else on GOY grow it? Errrrr...maybe not. ;-)

1 Jun, 2010


Just had a look and - yes, they do, with reference to it's deadly poison, lol.

1 Jun, 2010


Useful, too - harharhar (evil laugh!) I found that out when I researched it - strange that the leaves can be eaten though...

1 Jun, 2010


I did google......came up with "pokeweed"...amongst other things....My (subtle) refence to bonnet being the name given to ladie's hats....a few centuries ago....not that I remember of

1 Jun, 2010


YAYYY!!! She's got it! What a name...euuuuggghhhh!!!

My deep apologies, dear lady, that I didn't comprehend your hidden allusion...heehee..

1 Jun, 2010


Thats ok pet.......:-o))))))))))))))))))))))))))...(snigger)

1 Jun, 2010


LOL........Like it! LOL........

1 Jun, 2010


that was quick !!!!

1 Jun, 2010


Fast on the draw, me! LOL.....Still giggling.....LOL.

1 Jun, 2010

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