My first attempt with strawberries
By Keithsmum

16 Jun, 2010
This is where my strawberries are at at the moment. I've got two red ones! I'm not sure when they'll be ready to be picked but at the moment I'm just thrilled to have fruit!
Comments on this photo
Well done Irene, my are doing well too but havent turned red yet, your pots very similar to mine;0)
16 Jun, 2010
I'm not sure when they'll be ripe enough to pick. I keep giving it a little squeeze!
Hubby bought me the pot last year for my birthday. Unfortunately, it wasn't until I started planting it up I realised the little cups to hold the plants were not sufficient to hold in the soil so I used broken pot rims to hold it in.
I'm really looking forward to my first crop - so is everyone else :-)
16 Jun, 2010
What a good idea using pot rims must give it a try! I usually pick mine when they are red, they do ripen after picked so I find its better than leaving to long on the bush.
16 Jun, 2010
Yes, I'd picke them as soon as they are red, otherwise the birds will be in there before you! Easiest thing to do with these strawberry planters, I find, is to line inside with a heavy duty black rubbish bag. As you fill the planter with compost, and reach the various planting hole levels, just poke a hole through with your finger and insert the plants, water, and keep going. It is also very worthwhile to pour water into the separate holes, and not just in then top of the planter, to ensure that all the plants get adequate watering. hope you have eaten those red ones now! :-)
19 Jun, 2010
Pictures by keithsmum
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thats great,mmm i could just eat one of those,i love your strawberry as well.
16 Jun, 2010