The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Asiatic Lilly


By Mandym

Asiatic Lilly

Lilies are my most favourite flowers and I intend to have them all over my garden with roses. I don't know the name of this one but isn't it beautiful?

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It really is Mandy, such a vibrant colour and with the campanula its gorgeous!

18 Jun, 2010


Thanks Janey

18 Jun, 2010



19 Jun, 2010


What a stunning combo Mandy, In my favs :-))))))

12 Oct, 2010


The Blue and orange go very well together. Very pretty!!

12 Oct, 2010


It is beautiful Mandy. I have just planted four different Asiatics in pots for later. They are all lovely warm colours like this. The blue really sets off the colour and it's not a combo I would have thought of....lovely!

16 Mar, 2011


Thanks Karen

17 Mar, 2011


I wonder if it is 'matrix' which is one of the ones I've just planted? ..... be!

17 Mar, 2011


Just had a look and I think you're right Karen :o)

17 Mar, 2011


Aha! :) It's a 'snap' then!!

17 Mar, 2011


This is a combo I want to copy Karen, would look good with dark pink ones too :o))))))

17 Mar, 2011


Yes it would. That would be lovely, dark pink lilies and Campanula. You'd really need the dwarf lilies, or they would be too tall I think.

17 Mar, 2011

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