The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

1st of the strawberrys starting to ripen

1st of the strawberrys starting to ripen

So tempting to pull it off and eat! Just not quite ready underneath

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Those blasted blackbirds won't care that it's not quite ready underneath!! ....Still bitter about losing my first one yesterday! :((((

24 Jun, 2010


looking good steve, and watch out for them blackbird like karen said,, they love em ;o))

24 Jun, 2010


I've got 2 cats on guard. lol. Probably still get in and pinch 'em!! Get my rifle out! (JOKE!!)

24 Jun, 2010


Well done lovely crop you have there, its the slugs and snails too you have to watch more than the black birds.

25 Jun, 2010


Bloomin creatures, pesky critters, all of em!! ;))

25 Jun, 2010


Yep they sure are!!

25 Jun, 2010


lol steve ;o))

25 Jun, 2010


Give us a strawberry Steve, we have had our ripe ones the other day with a sprinkle of sugar and ice cream Yummy! Yum! LOL

29 Jun, 2010


Looks like you have a bumper crop there Steve.

19 Jul, 2010


Did have, they've all gone now. Still works out cheaper to buy from supermarket. Live & learn!

19 Jul, 2010


Owwww! Steve. Nothing like eating home grown. Slurpppppp! I notice you didn't give me a taste LOL :o)))))

22 Jul, 2010


Didn't get that many Mum.

24 Jul, 2010

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